On Monday 18 May 2009 16:31:39 Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD wrote:
>       I'd like to known if it's possible to update the COPYING
>         NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover the so-called "standalone"
>         applications that use U-Boot services by means of the jump table
>         provided by U-Boot exactly for this purpose - this is merely
>         considered normal use of U-Boot, and does *not* fall under the
>         heading of "derived work".
>       to also include the API as a non derived work as the standalone?

that sounds like a bad idea.  then people could add all the API hooks they 
wanted rather than just the ones we deemed they could use.  basically you're 
opening up all of u-boot for direct access.

what exactly are you trying to accomplish ?

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