From: Stephen Warren <>

This is a series of small fixes and cleanups either required by those
fixes, or enabled now that the fixes are made.

I hope that either patch 1 or 4 might fix the issues Jörg is seeing, but
I'm not sure that will happen. The other patches shouldn't change any

Stephen Warren (6):
  usb: ci_udc: fix ci_flush_{qh,qtd} calls in ci_udc_probe()
  usb: ci_udc: don't assume QTDs are adjacent when transmitting ZLPs
  usb: ci_udc: lift ilist size calculations to global scope
  usb: ci_udc: fix items array size/stride calculation
  usb: ci_udc: remove controller.items array
  usb: ci_udc: don't memalign() struct ci_req allocations

 drivers/usb/gadget/ci_udc.c | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 drivers/usb/gadget/ci_udc.h |  1 -
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)


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