This patch integrates the Barebox version of this kwbimage.c file into
U-Boot. As this version supports the image version 1 type for the
Armada XP / 370 SoCs.

It was easier to integrate the existing and known to be working Barebox
source than to update the current U-Boot version to support this
v1 image header format. Now all Marvell MVEBU SoCs are supported:

Image type 0: Kirkwood & Dove
Image type 1: Armada 370 & Armada XP

Please note that the current v1 support has this restuction (same as
has Barebox version):

Not implemented: support for the register headers and secure headers
in v1 images

Tested on Marvell DB-78460-BP eval board.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Roese <>

 tools/kwbimage.c | 1050 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 782 insertions(+), 268 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/kwbimage.c b/tools/kwbimage.c
index 109d616..1120e9b 100644
--- a/tools/kwbimage.c
+++ b/tools/kwbimage.c
@@ -1,364 +1,805 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2008
- * Marvell Semiconductor <>
- * Written-by: Prafulla Wadaskar <>
+ * Image manipulator for Marvell SoCs
+ *  supports Kirkwood, Dove, Armada 370, and Armada XP
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2013 Thomas Petazzoni
+ * <>
  * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+
+ *
+ * Not implemented: support for the register headers and secure
+ * headers in v1 images
 #include "imagetool.h"
 #include <image.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
 #include "kwbimage.h"
- * Supported commands for configuration file
- */
-static table_entry_t kwbimage_cmds[] = {
-       {CMD_BOOT_FROM,         "BOOT_FROM",            "boot command", },
-       {CMD_NAND_ECC_MODE,     "NAND_ECC_MODE",        "NAND mode",    },
-       {CMD_NAND_PAGE_SIZE,    "NAND_PAGE_SIZE",       "NAND size",    },
-       {CMD_SATA_PIO_MODE,     "SATA_PIO_MODE",        "SATA mode",    },
-       {CMD_DDR_INIT_DELAY,    "DDR_INIT_DELAY",       "DDR init dly", },
-       {CMD_DATA,              "DATA",                 "Reg Write Data", },
-       {CMD_INVALID,           "",                     "",     },
+#define ALIGN_SUP(x, a) (((x) + (a - 1)) & ~(a - 1))
+/* Structure of the main header, version 0 (Kirkwood, Dove) */
+struct main_hdr_v0 {
+       uint8_t  blockid;               /*0     */
+       uint8_t  nandeccmode;           /*1     */
+       uint16_t nandpagesize;          /*2-3   */
+       uint32_t blocksize;             /*4-7   */
+       uint32_t rsvd1;                 /*8-11  */
+       uint32_t srcaddr;               /*12-15 */
+       uint32_t destaddr;              /*16-19 */
+       uint32_t execaddr;              /*20-23 */
+       uint8_t  satapiomode;           /*24    */
+       uint8_t  rsvd3;                 /*25    */
+       uint16_t ddrinitdelay;          /*26-27 */
+       uint16_t rsvd2;                 /*28-29 */
+       uint8_t  ext;                   /*30    */
+       uint8_t  checksum;              /*31    */
+struct ext_hdr_v0_reg {
+       uint32_t raddr;
+       uint32_t rdata;
+#define EXT_HDR_V0_REG_COUNT ((0x1dc - 0x20) / sizeof(struct ext_hdr_v0_reg))
+struct ext_hdr_v0 {
+       uint32_t              offset;
+       uint8_t               reserved[0x20 - sizeof(uint32_t)];
+       struct ext_hdr_v0_reg rcfg[EXT_HDR_V0_REG_COUNT];
+       uint8_t               reserved2[7];
+       uint8_t               checksum;
+/* Structure of the main header, version 1 (Armada 370, Armada XP) */
+struct main_hdr_v1 {
+       uint8_t  blockid;               /* 0 */
+       uint8_t  reserved1;             /* 1 */
+       uint16_t reserved2;             /* 2-3 */
+       uint32_t blocksize;             /* 4-7 */
+       uint8_t  version;               /* 8 */
+       uint8_t  headersz_msb;          /* 9 */
+       uint16_t headersz_lsb;          /* A-B */
+       uint32_t srcaddr;               /* C-F */
+       uint32_t destaddr;              /* 10-13 */
+       uint32_t execaddr;              /* 14-17 */
+       uint8_t  reserved3;             /* 18 */
+       uint8_t  nandblocksize;         /* 19 */
+       uint8_t  nandbadblklocation;    /* 1A */
+       uint8_t  reserved4;             /* 1B */
+       uint16_t reserved5;             /* 1C-1D */
+       uint8_t  ext;                   /* 1E */
+       uint8_t  checksum;              /* 1F */
- * Supported Boot options for configuration file
+ * Header for the optional headers, version 1 (Armada 370, Armada XP)
-static table_entry_t kwbimage_bootops[] = {
-       {IBR_HDR_SPI_ID,        "spi",          "SPI Flash",    },
-       {IBR_HDR_NAND_ID,       "nand",         "NAND Flash",   },
-       {IBR_HDR_SATA_ID,       "sata",         "Sata port",    },
-       {IBR_HDR_PEX_ID,        "pex",          "PCIe port",    },
-       {IBR_HDR_UART_ID,       "uart",         "Serial port",  },
-       {-1,                    "",             "Invalid",      },
+struct opt_hdr_v1 {
+       uint8_t  headertype;
+       uint8_t  headersz_msb;
+       uint16_t headersz_lsb;
+       char     data[0];
- * Supported NAND ecc options configuration file
+ * Various values for the opt_hdr_v1->headertype field, describing the
+ * different types of optional headers. The "secure" header contains
+ * informations related to secure boot (encryption keys, etc.). The
+ * "binary" header contains ARM binary code to be executed prior to
+ * executing the main payload (usually the bootloader). This is
+ * typically used to execute DDR3 training code. The "register" header
+ * allows to describe a set of (address, value) tuples that are
+ * generally used to configure the DRAM controller.
-static table_entry_t kwbimage_eccmodes[] = {
-       {IBR_HDR_ECC_DEFAULT,           "default",      "Default mode", },
-       {IBR_HDR_ECC_FORCED_HAMMING,    "hamming",      "Hamming mode", },
-       {IBR_HDR_ECC_FORCED_RS,         "rs",           "RS mode",      },
-       {IBR_HDR_ECC_DISABLED,          "disabled",     "ECC Disabled", },
-       {-1,                            "",             "",     },
+#define OPT_HDR_V1_SECURE_TYPE   0x1
+#define OPT_HDR_V1_BINARY_TYPE   0x2
+#define KWBHEADER_V1_SIZE(hdr) \
+       (((hdr)->headersz_msb << 16) | (hdr)->headersz_lsb)
+static struct image_cfg_element *image_cfg;
+static int cfgn;
+struct boot_mode {
+       unsigned int id;
+       const char *name;
+struct boot_mode boot_modes[] = {
+       { 0x4D, "i2c"  },
+       { 0x5A, "spi"  },
+       { 0x8B, "nand" },
+       { 0x78, "sata" },
+       { 0x9C, "pex"  },
+       { 0x69, "uart" },
+       {},
-static struct kwb_header kwbimage_header;
-static int datacmd_cnt = 0;
-static char * fname = "Unknown";
-static int lineno = -1;
+struct nand_ecc_mode {
+       unsigned int id;
+       const char *name;
+struct nand_ecc_mode nand_ecc_modes[] = {
+       { 0x00, "default" },
+       { 0x01, "hamming" },
+       { 0x02, "rs" },
+       { 0x03, "disabled" },
+       {},
+/* Used to identify an undefined execution or destination address */
+#define ADDR_INVALID ((uint32_t)-1)
+#define BINARY_MAX_ARGS 8
+/* In-memory representation of a line of the configuration file */
+struct image_cfg_element {
+       enum {
+               IMAGE_CFG_VERSION = 0x1,
+               IMAGE_CFG_BOOT_FROM,
+               IMAGE_CFG_DEST_ADDR,
+               IMAGE_CFG_EXEC_ADDR,
+               IMAGE_CFG_NAND_BLKSZ,
+               IMAGE_CFG_NAND_ECC_MODE,
+               IMAGE_CFG_NAND_PAGESZ,
+               IMAGE_CFG_BINARY,
+               IMAGE_CFG_PAYLOAD,
+               IMAGE_CFG_DATA,
+       } type;
+       union {
+               unsigned int version;
+               unsigned int bootfrom;
+               struct {
+                       const char *file;
+                       unsigned int args[BINARY_MAX_ARGS];
+                       unsigned int nargs;
+               } binary;
+               const char *payload;
+               unsigned int dstaddr;
+               unsigned int execaddr;
+               unsigned int nandblksz;
+               unsigned int nandbadblklocation;
+               unsigned int nandeccmode;
+               unsigned int nandpagesz;
+               struct ext_hdr_v0_reg regdata;
+       };
- * Report Error if xflag is set in addition to default
+ * Byte 8 of the image header contains the version number. In the v0
+ * header, byte 8 was reserved, and always set to 0. In the v1 header,
+ * byte 8 has been changed to a proper field, set to 1.
-static int kwbimage_check_params(struct image_tool_params *params)
+static unsigned int image_version(void *header)
-       if (!strlen (params->imagename)) {
-               printf ("Error:%s - Configuration file not specified, "
-                       "it is needed for kwbimage generation\n",
-                       params->cmdname);
-               return CFG_INVALID;
-       }
-       return  ((params->dflag && (params->fflag || params->lflag)) ||
-               (params->fflag && (params->dflag || params->lflag)) ||
-               (params->lflag && (params->dflag || params->fflag)) ||
-               (params->xflag) || !(strlen (params->imagename)));
+       unsigned char *ptr = header;
+       return ptr[8];
+ * Utility functions to manipulate boot mode and ecc modes (convert
+ * them back and forth between description strings and the
+ * corresponding numerical identifiers).
+ */
+static const char *image_boot_mode_name(unsigned int id)
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; boot_modes[i].name; i++)
+               if (boot_modes[i].id == id)
+                       return boot_modes[i].name;
+       return NULL;
+int image_boot_mode_id(const char *boot_mode_name)
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; boot_modes[i].name; i++)
+               if (!strcmp(boot_modes[i].name, boot_mode_name))
+                       return boot_modes[i].id;
+       return -1;
+int image_nand_ecc_mode_id(const char *nand_ecc_mode_name)
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; nand_ecc_modes[i].name; i++)
+               if (!strcmp(nand_ecc_modes[i].name, nand_ecc_mode_name))
+                       return nand_ecc_modes[i].id;
+       return -1;
-static uint32_t check_get_hexval (char *token)
+static struct image_cfg_element *
+image_find_option(unsigned int optiontype)
-       uint32_t hexval;
+       int i;
-       if (!sscanf (token, "%x", &hexval)) {
-               printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Invalid hex data(%s)\n", fname,
-                       lineno, token);
-               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+       for (i = 0; i < cfgn; i++) {
+               if (image_cfg[i].type == optiontype)
+                       return &image_cfg[i];
-       return hexval;
+       return NULL;
+static unsigned int
+image_count_options(unsigned int optiontype)
+       int i;
+       unsigned int count = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < cfgn; i++)
+               if (image_cfg[i].type == optiontype)
+                       count++;
+       return count;
- * Generates 8 bit checksum
+ * Compute a 8-bit checksum of a memory area. This algorithm follows
+ * the requirements of the Marvell SoC BootROM specifications.
-static uint8_t kwbimage_checksum8 (void *start, uint32_t len, uint8_t csum)
+static uint8_t image_checksum8(void *start, uint32_t len)
-       register uint8_t sum = csum;
-       volatile uint8_t *p = (volatile uint8_t *)start;
+       uint8_t csum = 0;
+       uint8_t *p = start;
        /* check len and return zero checksum if invalid */
        if (!len)
                return 0;
        do {
-               sum += *p;
+               csum += *p;
        } while (--len);
-       return (sum);
+       return csum;
- * Generates 32 bit checksum
- */
-static uint32_t kwbimage_checksum32 (uint32_t *start, uint32_t len, uint32_t 
+static uint32_t image_checksum32(void *start, uint32_t len)
-       register uint32_t sum = csum;
-       volatile uint32_t *p = start;
+       uint32_t csum = 0;
+       uint32_t *p = start;
        /* check len and return zero checksum if invalid */
        if (!len)
                return 0;
        if (len % sizeof(uint32_t)) {
-               printf ("Error:%s[%d] - length is not in multiple of %zu\n",
-                       __FUNCTION__, len, sizeof(uint32_t));
+               fprintf(stderr, "Length %d is not in multiple of %zu\n",
+                       len, sizeof(uint32_t));
                return 0;
        do {
-               sum += *p;
+               csum += *p;
                len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
        } while (len > 0);
-       return (sum);
+       return csum;
-static void kwbimage_check_cfgdata (char *token, enum kwbimage_cmd cmdsw,
-                                       struct kwb_header *kwbhdr)
+static void *image_create_v0(size_t *imagesz, struct image_tool_params *params,
+                            int payloadsz)
-       bhr_t *mhdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_hdr;
-       extbhr_t *exthdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_exthdr;
-       int i;
+       struct image_cfg_element *e;
+       size_t headersz;
+       struct main_hdr_v0 *main_hdr;
+       struct ext_hdr_v0 *ext_hdr;
+       void *image;
+       int has_ext = 0;
+       /*
+        * Calculate the size of the header and the size of the
+        * payload
+        */
+       headersz  = sizeof(struct main_hdr_v0);
+       if (image_count_options(IMAGE_CFG_DATA) > 0) {
+               has_ext = 1;
+               headersz += sizeof(struct ext_hdr_v0);
+       }
+       if (image_count_options(IMAGE_CFG_PAYLOAD) > 1) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "More than one payload, not possible\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
-       switch (cmdsw) {
-       case CMD_BOOT_FROM:
-               i = get_table_entry_id (kwbimage_bootops,
-                               "Kwbimage boot option", token);
-               if (i < 0)
-                       goto INVL_DATA;
-               mhdr->blockid = i;
-               printf ("Preparing kirkwood boot image to boot "
-                       "from %s\n", token);
-               break;
-       case CMD_NAND_ECC_MODE:
-               i = get_table_entry_id (kwbimage_eccmodes,
-                       "NAND ecc mode", token);
-               if (i < 0)
-                       goto INVL_DATA;
-               mhdr->nandeccmode = i;
-               printf ("Nand ECC mode = %s\n", token);
-               break;
-       case CMD_NAND_PAGE_SIZE:
-               mhdr->nandpagesize =
-                       (uint16_t) check_get_hexval (token);
-               printf ("Nand page size = 0x%x\n", mhdr->nandpagesize);
-               break;
-       case CMD_SATA_PIO_MODE:
-               mhdr->satapiomode =
-                       (uint8_t) check_get_hexval (token);
-               printf ("Sata PIO mode = 0x%x\n",
-                               mhdr->satapiomode);
-               break;
-       case CMD_DDR_INIT_DELAY:
-               mhdr->ddrinitdelay =
-                       (uint16_t) check_get_hexval (token);
-               printf ("DDR init delay = %d msec\n", mhdr->ddrinitdelay);
-               break;
-       case CMD_DATA:
-               exthdr->rcfg[datacmd_cnt].raddr =
-                       check_get_hexval (token);
-               break;
-       case CMD_INVALID:
-               goto INVL_DATA;
-       default:
-               goto INVL_DATA;
+       image = malloc(headersz);
+       if (!image) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for image\n");
+               return NULL;
-       return;
-       printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Invalid data\n", fname, lineno);
-       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+       memset(image, 0, headersz);
+       main_hdr = image;
+       /* Fill in the main header */
+       main_hdr->blocksize = payloadsz + sizeof(uint32_t);
+       main_hdr->srcaddr   = headersz;
+       main_hdr->ext       = has_ext;
+       main_hdr->destaddr  = params->addr;
+       main_hdr->execaddr  = params->ep;
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_BOOT_FROM);
+       if (e)
+               main_hdr->blockid = e->bootfrom;
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_NAND_ECC_MODE);
+       if (e)
+               main_hdr->nandeccmode = e->nandeccmode;
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_NAND_PAGESZ);
+       if (e)
+               main_hdr->nandpagesize = e->nandpagesz;
+       main_hdr->checksum = image_checksum8(image,
+                                            sizeof(struct main_hdr_v0));
+       /* Generate the ext header */
+       if (has_ext) {
+               int cfgi, datai;
+               ext_hdr = image + sizeof(struct main_hdr_v0);
+               ext_hdr->offset = 0x40;
+               for (cfgi = 0, datai = 0; cfgi < cfgn; cfgi++) {
+                       e = &image_cfg[cfgi];
+                       if (e->type != IMAGE_CFG_DATA)
+                               continue;
+                       ext_hdr->rcfg[datai].raddr = e->regdata.raddr;
+                       ext_hdr->rcfg[datai].rdata = e->regdata.rdata;
+                       datai++;
+               }
+               ext_hdr->checksum = image_checksum8(ext_hdr,
+                                                   sizeof(struct ext_hdr_v0));
+       }
+       *imagesz = headersz;
+       return image;
- * this function sets the kwbimage header by-
- *     1. Abstracting input command line arguments data
- *     2. parses the kwbimage configuration file and update extebded header 
- *     3. calculates header, extended header and image checksums
- */
-static void kwdimage_set_ext_header (struct kwb_header *kwbhdr, char* name) {
-       bhr_t *mhdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_hdr;
-       extbhr_t *exthdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_exthdr;
-       FILE *fd = NULL;
-       int j;
-       char *line = NULL;
-       char * token, *saveptr1, *saveptr2;
-       size_t len = 0;
-       enum kwbimage_cmd cmd;
-       fname = name;
-       /* set dram register offset */
-       exthdr->dramregsoffs = (intptr_t)&exthdr->rcfg - (intptr_t)mhdr;
-       if ((fd = fopen (name, "r")) == 0) {
-               printf ("Error:%s - Can't open\n", fname);
-               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+static size_t image_headersz_v1(struct image_tool_params *params,
+                               int *hasext)
+       struct image_cfg_element *binarye;
+       size_t headersz;
+       int ret;
+       /*
+        * Calculate the size of the header and the size of the
+        * payload
+        */
+       headersz = sizeof(struct main_hdr_v1);
+       if (image_count_options(IMAGE_CFG_BINARY) > 1) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "More than one binary blob, not supported\n");
+               return 0;
-       /* Simple kwimage.cfg file parser */
-       lineno=0;
-       while ((getline (&line, &len, fd)) > 0) {
-               lineno++;
-               token = strtok_r (line, "\r\n", &saveptr1);
-               /* drop all lines with zero tokens (= empty lines) */
-               if (token == NULL)
-                       continue;
+       if (image_count_options(IMAGE_CFG_PAYLOAD) > 1) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "More than one payload, not possible\n");
+               return 0;
+       }
-               for (j = 0, cmd = CMD_INVALID, line = token; ; line = NULL) {
-                       token = strtok_r (line, " \t", &saveptr2);
-                       if (token == NULL)
-                       break;
-                       /* Drop all text starting with '#' as comments */
-                       if (token[0] == '#')
-                               break;
+       binarye = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_BINARY);
+       if (binarye) {
+               struct stat s;
+               ret = stat(binarye->binary.file, &s);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       char *cwd = get_current_dir_name();
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               "Didn't find the file '%s' in '%s' which is 
mandatory to generate the image\n"
+                               "This file generally contains the DDR3 training 
code, and should be extracted from an existing bootable\n"
+                               "image for your board. See 'kwbimage -x' to 
extract it from an existing image.\n",
+                               binarye->binary.file, cwd);
+                       free(cwd);
+                       return 0;
+               }
-                       /* Process rest as valid config command line */
-                       switch (j) {
-                       case CFG_COMMAND:
-                               cmd = get_table_entry_id (kwbimage_cmds,
-                                               "Kwbimage command", token);
+               headersz += s.st_size +
+                       binarye->binary.nargs * sizeof(unsigned int);
+               if (hasext)
+                       *hasext = 1;
+       }
-                               if (cmd == CMD_INVALID)
-                                       goto INVL_CMD;
-                               break;
+       /*
+        * The payload should be aligned on some reasonable
+        * boundary
+        */
+       return ALIGN_SUP(headersz, 4096);
-                       case CFG_DATA0:
-                               kwbimage_check_cfgdata (token, cmd, kwbhdr);
-                               break;
+static void *image_create_v1(size_t *imagesz, struct image_tool_params *params,
+                            int payloadsz)
+       struct image_cfg_element *e, *binarye;
+       struct main_hdr_v1 *main_hdr;
+       size_t headersz;
+       void *image, *cur;
+       int hasext = 0;
+       int ret;
+       /*
+        * Calculate the size of the header and the size of the
+        * payload
+        */
+       headersz = image_headersz_v1(params, &hasext);
+       if (headersz == 0)
+               return NULL;
+       image = malloc(headersz);
+       if (!image) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for image\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
-                       case CFG_DATA1:
-                               if (cmd != CMD_DATA)
-                                       goto INVL_CMD;
-                               exthdr->rcfg[datacmd_cnt].rdata =
-                                               check_get_hexval (token);
-                               if (datacmd_cnt > KWBIMAGE_MAX_CONFIG ) {
-                                       printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Found more "
-                                               "than max(%zd) allowed "
-                                               "data configurations\n",
-                                               fname, lineno,
-                                               KWBIMAGE_MAX_CONFIG);
-                               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-                               } else
-                                       datacmd_cnt++;
-                               break;
+       memset(image, 0, headersz);
+       cur = main_hdr = image;
+       cur += sizeof(struct main_hdr_v1);
+       /* Fill the main header */
+       main_hdr->blocksize    = payloadsz - headersz + sizeof(uint32_t);
+       main_hdr->headersz_lsb = headersz & 0xFFFF;
+       main_hdr->headersz_msb = (headersz & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
+       main_hdr->destaddr     = params->addr;
+       main_hdr->execaddr     = params->ep;
+       main_hdr->srcaddr      = headersz;
+       main_hdr->ext          = hasext;
+       main_hdr->version      = 1;
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_BOOT_FROM);
+       if (e)
+               main_hdr->blockid = e->bootfrom;
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_NAND_BLKSZ);
+       if (e)
+               main_hdr->nandblocksize = e->nandblksz / (64 * 1024);
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_NAND_BADBLK_LOCATION);
+       if (e)
+               main_hdr->nandbadblklocation = e->nandbadblklocation;
+       binarye = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_BINARY);
+       if (binarye) {
+               struct opt_hdr_v1 *hdr = cur;
+               unsigned int *args;
+               size_t binhdrsz;
+               struct stat s;
+               int argi;
+               FILE *bin;
+               hdr->headertype = OPT_HDR_V1_BINARY_TYPE;
+               bin = fopen(binarye->binary.file, "r");
+               if (!bin) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open binary file %s\n",
+                               binarye->binary.file);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+               fstat(fileno(bin), &s);
+               binhdrsz = sizeof(struct opt_hdr_v1) +
+                       (binarye->binary.nargs + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int) +
+                       s.st_size;
+               hdr->headersz_lsb = binhdrsz & 0xFFFF;
+               hdr->headersz_msb = (binhdrsz & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
+               cur += sizeof(struct opt_hdr_v1);
+               args = cur;
+               *args = binarye->binary.nargs;
+               args++;
+               for (argi = 0; argi < binarye->binary.nargs; argi++)
+                       args[argi] = binarye->binary.args[argi];
+               cur += (binarye->binary.nargs + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int);
+               ret = fread(cur, s.st_size, 1, bin);
+               if (ret != 1) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               "Could not read binary image %s\n",
+                               binarye->binary.file);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+               fclose(bin);
-                       default:
-                               goto INVL_CMD;
+               cur += s.st_size;
+               /*
+                * For now, we don't support more than one binary
+                * header, and no other header types are
+                * supported. So, the binary header is necessarily the
+                * last one
+                */
+               *((unsigned char *)cur) = 0;
+               cur += sizeof(uint32_t);
+       }
+       /* Calculate and set the header checksum */
+       main_hdr->checksum = image_checksum8(main_hdr, headersz);
+       *imagesz = headersz;
+       return image;
+static int image_create_config_parse_oneline(char *line,
+                                            struct image_cfg_element *el)
+       char *keyword, *saveptr;
+       char deliminiters[] = " \t";
+       keyword = strtok_r(line, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+       if (!strcmp(keyword, "VERSION")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_VERSION;
+               el->version = atoi(value);
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "BOOT_FROM")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_BOOT_FROM;
+               el->bootfrom = image_boot_mode_id(value);
+               if (el->bootfrom < 0) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               "Invalid boot media '%s'\n", value);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "NAND_BLKSZ")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_NAND_BLKSZ;
+               el->nandblksz = strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "NAND_BADBLK_LOCATION")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_NAND_BADBLK_LOCATION;
+               el->nandbadblklocation =
+                       strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "NAND_ECC_MODE")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_NAND_ECC_MODE;
+               el->nandeccmode = image_nand_ecc_mode_id(value);
+               if (el->nandeccmode < 0) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               "Invalid NAND ECC mode '%s'\n", value);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "NAND_PAGE_SIZE")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_NAND_PAGESZ;
+               el->nandpagesz = strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "BINARY")) {
+               char *value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               int argi = 0;
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_BINARY;
+               el->binary.file = strdup(value);
+               while (1) {
+                       value = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+                       if (!value)
+                               break;
+                       el->binary.args[argi] = strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
+                       argi++;
+                       if (argi >= BINARY_MAX_ARGS) {
+                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                       "Too many argument for binary\n");
+                               return -1;
-                       j++;
+               el->binary.nargs = argi;
+       } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "DATA")) {
+               char *value1 = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               char *value2 = strtok_r(NULL, deliminiters, &saveptr);
+               if (!value1 || !value2) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               "Invalid number of arguments for DATA\n");
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               el->type = IMAGE_CFG_DATA;
+               el->regdata.raddr = strtoul(value1, NULL, 16);
+               el->regdata.rdata = strtoul(value2, NULL, 16);
+       } else {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring unknown line '%s'\n", line);
-       if (line)
-               free (line);
-       fclose (fd);
-       return;
+       return 0;
- * Invalid Command error reporring
- *
- * command CMD_DATA needs three strings on a line
- * whereas other commands need only two.
- *
- * if more than two/three (as per command type) are observed,
- * then error will be reported
+ * Parse the configuration file 'fcfg' into the array of configuration
+ * elements 'image_cfg', and return the number of configuration
+ * elements in 'cfgn'.
-       printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Invalid command\n", fname, lineno);
-       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+static int image_create_config_parse(FILE *fcfg)
+       int ret;
+       int cfgi = 0;
+       /* Parse the configuration file */
+       while (!feof(fcfg)) {
+               char *line;
+               char buf[256];
+               /* Read the current line */
+               memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+               line = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fcfg);
+               if (!line)
+                       break;
+               /* Ignore useless lines */
+               if (line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '#')
+                       continue;
+               /* Strip final newline */
+               if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n')
+                       line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0;
+               /* Parse the current line */
+               ret = image_create_config_parse_oneline(line,
+                                                       &image_cfg[cfgi]);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+               cfgi++;
+               if (cfgi >= IMAGE_CFG_ELEMENT_MAX) {
+                       fprintf(stderr,
+                               "Too many configuration elements in .cfg 
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       }
+       cfgn = cfgi;
+       return 0;
+static int image_get_version(void)
+       struct image_cfg_element *e;
+       e = image_find_option(IMAGE_CFG_VERSION);
+       if (!e)
+               return -1;
+       return e->version;
+static int image_version_file(const char *input)
+       FILE *fcfg;
+       int version;
+       int ret;
+       fcfg = fopen(input, "r");
+       if (!fcfg) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file %s\n", input);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       image_cfg = malloc(IMAGE_CFG_ELEMENT_MAX *
+                          sizeof(struct image_cfg_element));
+       if (!image_cfg) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory\n");
+               fclose(fcfg);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       memset(image_cfg, 0,
+              IMAGE_CFG_ELEMENT_MAX * sizeof(struct image_cfg_element));
+       rewind(fcfg);
+       ret = image_create_config_parse(fcfg);
+       fclose(fcfg);
+       if (ret) {
+               free(image_cfg);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       version = image_get_version();
+       /* Fallback to version 0 is no version is provided in the cfg file */
+       if (version == -1)
+               version = 0;
+       free(image_cfg);
+       return version;
-static void kwbimage_set_header (void *ptr, struct stat *sbuf, int ifd,
+static void kwbimage_set_header(void *ptr, struct stat *sbuf, int ifd,
                                struct image_tool_params *params)
-       struct kwb_header *hdr = (struct kwb_header *)ptr;
-       bhr_t *mhdr = &hdr->kwb_hdr;
-       extbhr_t *exthdr = &hdr->kwb_exthdr;
+       FILE *fcfg;
+       void *image = NULL;
+       int version;
+       size_t headersz;
        uint32_t checksum;
+       int ret;
        int size;
-       /* Build and add image checksum header */
-       checksum = kwbimage_checksum32 ((uint32_t *)ptr, sbuf->st_size, 0);
+       fcfg = fopen(params->imagename, "r");
+       if (!fcfg) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file %s\n",
+                       params->imagename);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       image_cfg = malloc(IMAGE_CFG_ELEMENT_MAX *
+                          sizeof(struct image_cfg_element));
+       if (!image_cfg) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory\n");
+               fclose(fcfg);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       memset(image_cfg, 0,
+              IMAGE_CFG_ELEMENT_MAX * sizeof(struct image_cfg_element));
+       rewind(fcfg);
+       ret = image_create_config_parse(fcfg);
+       fclose(fcfg);
+       if (ret) {
+               free(image_cfg);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       version = image_get_version();
+       /* Fallback to version 0 is no version is provided in the cfg file */
+       if (version == -1)
+               version = 0;
+       if (version == 0)
+               image = image_create_v0(&headersz, params, sbuf->st_size);
+       else if (version == 1)
+               image = image_create_v1(&headersz, params, sbuf->st_size);
+       if (!image) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Could not create image\n");
+               free(image_cfg);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       free(image_cfg);
-       size = write (ifd, &checksum, sizeof(uint32_t));
+       /* Build and add image checksum header */
+       checksum = image_checksum32((uint32_t *)ptr, sbuf->st_size);
+       size = write(ifd, &checksum, sizeof(uint32_t));
        if (size != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
-               printf ("Error:%s - Checksum write %d bytes %s\n",
+               fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s - Checksum write %d bytes %s\n",
                        params->cmdname, size, params->imagefile);
-               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
        sbuf->st_size += sizeof(uint32_t);
-       mhdr->blocksize = sbuf->st_size - sizeof(struct kwb_header);
-       mhdr->srcaddr = sizeof(struct kwb_header);
-       mhdr->destaddr= params->addr;
-       mhdr->execaddr =params->ep;
-       mhdr->ext = 0x1; /* header extension appended */
-       kwdimage_set_ext_header (hdr, params->imagename);
-       /* calculate checksums */
-       mhdr->checkSum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)mhdr, sizeof(bhr_t), 0);
-       exthdr->checkSum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)exthdr,
-                                               sizeof(extbhr_t), 0);
-static int kwbimage_verify_header (unsigned char *ptr, int image_size,
-                       struct image_tool_params *params)
-       struct kwb_header *hdr = (struct kwb_header *)ptr;
-       bhr_t *mhdr = &hdr->kwb_hdr;
-       extbhr_t *exthdr = &hdr->kwb_exthdr;
-       uint8_t calc_hdrcsum;
-       uint8_t calc_exthdrcsum;
-       calc_hdrcsum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)mhdr,
-                       sizeof(bhr_t) - sizeof(uint8_t), 0);
-       if (calc_hdrcsum != mhdr->checkSum)
-               return -FDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTURE;   /* mhdr csum not matched */
-       calc_exthdrcsum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)exthdr,
-                       sizeof(extbhr_t) - sizeof(uint8_t), 0);
-       if (calc_exthdrcsum != exthdr->checkSum)
-               return -FDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTURE; /* exthdr csum not matched */
+       /* Finally copy the header into the image area */
+       memcpy(ptr, image, headersz);
-       return 0;
+       free(image);
-static void kwbimage_print_header (const void *ptr)
+static void kwbimage_print_header(const void *ptr)
-       struct kwb_header *hdr = (struct kwb_header *) ptr;
-       bhr_t *mhdr = &hdr->kwb_hdr;
-       char *name = get_table_entry_name (kwbimage_bootops,
-                               "Kwbimage boot option",
-                               (int) mhdr->blockid);
-       printf ("Image Type:   Kirkwood Boot from %s Image\n", name);
-       printf ("Data Size:    ");
-       genimg_print_size (mhdr->blocksize - sizeof(uint32_t));
-       printf ("Load Address: %08x\n", mhdr->destaddr);
-       printf ("Entry Point:  %08x\n", mhdr->execaddr);
+       struct main_hdr_v0 *mhdr = (struct main_hdr_v0 *)ptr;
+       printf("Image Type:   MVEBU Boot from %s Image\n",
+              image_boot_mode_name(mhdr->blockid));
+       printf("Data Size:    ");
+       printf("Image version:%d\n", image_version((void *)ptr));
+       genimg_print_size(mhdr->blocksize - sizeof(uint32_t));
+       printf("Load Address: %08x\n", mhdr->destaddr);
+       printf("Entry Point:  %08x\n", mhdr->execaddr);
-static int kwbimage_check_image_types (uint8_t type)
+static int kwbimage_check_image_types(uint8_t type)
        if (type == IH_TYPE_KWBIMAGE)
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
@@ -366,18 +807,91 @@ static int kwbimage_check_image_types (uint8_t type)
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
+static int kwbimage_verify_header(unsigned char *ptr, int image_size,
+                                 struct image_tool_params *params)
+       struct main_hdr_v0 *main_hdr;
+       struct ext_hdr_v0 *ext_hdr;
+       uint8_t checksum;
+       main_hdr = (void *)ptr;
+       checksum = image_checksum8(ptr,
+                                  sizeof(struct main_hdr_v0));
+       if (checksum != main_hdr->checksum)
+               return -FDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTURE;
+       /* Only version 0 extended header has checksum */
+       if (image_version((void *)ptr) == 0) {
+               ext_hdr = (void *)ptr + sizeof(struct main_hdr_v0);
+               checksum = image_checksum8(ext_hdr,
+                                          sizeof(struct ext_hdr_v0));
+               if (checksum != ext_hdr->checksum)
+                       return -FDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTURE;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int kwbimage_generate(struct image_tool_params *params,
+                            struct image_type_params *tparams)
+       int alloc_len;
+       void *hdr;
+       int version = 0;
+       version = image_version_file(params->imagename);
+       if (version == 0) {
+               alloc_len = sizeof(struct main_hdr_v0) +
+                       sizeof(struct ext_hdr_v0);
+       } else {
+               alloc_len = image_headersz_v1(params, NULL);
+       }
+       hdr = malloc(alloc_len);
+       if (!hdr) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc return failure: %s\n",
+                       params->cmdname, strerror(errno));
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       memset(hdr, 0, alloc_len);
+       tparams->header_size = alloc_len;
+       tparams->hdr = hdr;
+       return 0;
+ * Report Error if xflag is set in addition to default
+ */
+static int kwbimage_check_params(struct image_tool_params *params)
+       if (!strlen(params->imagename)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s - Configuration file not specified, "
+                       "it is needed for kwbimage generation\n",
+                       params->cmdname);
+               return CFG_INVALID;
+       }
+       return (params->dflag && (params->fflag || params->lflag)) ||
+               (params->fflag && (params->dflag || params->lflag)) ||
+               (params->lflag && (params->dflag || params->fflag)) ||
+               (params->xflag) || !(strlen(params->imagename));
  * kwbimage type parameters definition
 static struct image_type_params kwbimage_params = {
-       .name = "Kirkwood Boot Image support",
-       .header_size = sizeof(struct kwb_header),
-       .hdr = (void*)&kwbimage_header,
+       .name           = "Marvell MVEBU Boot Image support",
+       .header_size    = 0,            /* no fixed header size */
+       .hdr            = NULL,
+       .vrec_header    = kwbimage_generate,
        .check_image_type = kwbimage_check_image_types,
-       .verify_header = kwbimage_verify_header,
-       .print_header = kwbimage_print_header,
-       .set_header = kwbimage_set_header,
-       .check_params = kwbimage_check_params,
+       .verify_header  = kwbimage_verify_header,
+       .print_header   = kwbimage_print_header,
+       .set_header     = kwbimage_set_header,
+       .check_params   = kwbimage_check_params,
 void init_kwb_image_type (void)

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