Hi Wolfgang,

On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 23:16:51 +0200, Wolfgang Denk <w...@denx.de> wrote:

> Dear Steve,
> In message <5398a640.3050...@broadcom.com> you wrote:
> > 
> > So if I add a "your_header.c" as above, then
> > 
> > (1) I need to modify "arch/arm/cpu/armv8/u-boot.lds":
> >     . = 0x00000000;
> > 
> > +   . = ALIGN(8);
> > +   .your_hdr : {
> > +           KEEP(*(.your_hdr*));
> > +   }
> > +
> >     . = ALIGN(8);
> >     .text :
> >     {
> ALIGN(8) looks pretty much bogus to me?
> Quoting the "ld" docs:
>      Return the location counter ('.') or arbitrary expression aligned
>      to the next ALIGN boundary.  The single operand 'ALIGN' doesn't
>      change the value of the location counter--it just does arithmetic
>      on it.  The two operand 'ALIGN' allows an arbitrary expression to
>      be aligned upwards ('ALIGN(ALIGN)' is equivalent to 'ALIGN(.,
>      ALIGN)').
>      Here is an example which aligns the output '.data' section to the
>      next '0x2000' byte boundary after the preceding section and sets a
>      variable within the section to the next '0x8000' boundary after the
>      input sections:
>           SECTIONS { ...
>             .data ALIGN(0x2000): {
>               *(.data)
>               variable = ALIGN(0x8000);
>             }
>           ... }
>      The first use of 'ALIGN' in this example specifies the location of
>      a section because it is used as the optional ADDRESS attribute of a
>      section definition (*note Output Section Address::).  The second
>      use of 'ALIGN' is used to defines the value of a symbol.
> Are you sure you do not ant to hae an ALIGN(4096) there?

Better yet, align to some CONFIG_SYS_ALIGN_xxx option. Linker scripts
are preprocessed, so that should be a breeze.
> > (2) then (I believe) I need to modify the "Makefile" to define the start 
> > address of this new section:
> > +LDFLAGS_u-boot += --section-start=".your_hdr"=CONFIG_YOUR_HEADER_ADDR
> Why?

I see no reason for this indeed.

> > (3) and (I believe) I need to modify the OBJCOPYFLAGS (somewhere) in 
> > order to include this new section in the u-boot.bin:
> > +OBJCOPYFLAGS += -j .your_hdr
> Why?

I can see reasons for this one, but it depends on whether the C
file for the added section produces the section's content or just
reserves space for it.

If the C file just reserves space, we can dispense with copying it from
ELF to bin and the -j option above needs not be added (and then, an
external utility should prepend the actual header content to the .bin).

If the C file produces the content, then we *must* copy it from ELF to
bin and the -j option above (and any utility that wants to set the
section's content should overwrite it, not prepend to it). 

I am not personally sure which option is best.

TBH, my personal preference is that if a header must be added to the
image, it should not affect at all the image build, load and run
addresses... For instance, if the image's text section start is
0x00100000 and its entry point is 0x00100100, and we need to add a 4KB
header to it, the resulting biary should *still* load so that the
original image's text segment starts at 0x00100000; if what is loaded
is the pair header+image, then it should load at 0x000FF000 (and the
entry point would still be 0x00100100).

But I can understand that some platfoms /will/ load the header along
with the image, and that in this case, we need to take the header into
account in the build process.

Steve: can the header content be expressed entirely in the source C
module? If it can, then there might be no need for an external utility
to set it -- but that's up for debate, as it might be useful to be able
to modify the header without rebuilding anyway.

> > And in the end, (I believe) I am just going to have a block (likely 4096 
> > bytes) prepended to the "original" u-boot.bin; which I can do today with 
> > no code changes at all....
> Well, we don't chaneg any code here, right? Just the linker script.
> It's this, or some other script.  But the linker is the standard way
> to create a linked image with the correct memory map, so this is the
> right place...

Just nitpicking here, but...

The problem we were presented with initially was as follows:

        link some code for a given run address;
        prepend resulting image with a 4KB header;
        load prepended header followed by image at original image run
        address. (iow, load original image 4KB above intended run

With the code as it is, we know this fails. Ergo, whatever solution
fixes the issue will *necessarily* change the code. The initial
proposal was to try and put the change in the relocation process; the
final one puts the change the linker script -- which BTW *is* code, at
least in my book, since it is input to the build process and controls
the content of the generated image.

> > Remember that original design request was effectively a two line change:
> Yes, indeed  But a pretty much bogus one.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

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