On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 01:13:06AM -0400, Sinan Akman wrote:
>   Hi Masahiro
> Masahiro Yamada wrote:
> >Hi Sinan,
> >
> >
> >>>>[...]
> >>>> +Orphan  powerpc     mpc83xx        -           freescale
> >>mpc837xerdb         MPC837XERDB
> >>
> >>   I have this board and I would very much like that it'll continue to
> >>be maintained. I just tested the ToT and it seems other than some minor
> >>warnings and request to use generic-board it is not in a bad shape.
> >>
> >>   I can continue testing at each release and after there are related
> >>patches. Would that help to have this board to be unorphaned ?
> >
> >Thanks for offering to test this board.
> >Are you willing to be a maintainer of this board?
>   Sure I'd be bappy if I could. I don't know what it takes
> exactly and not sure if I would qualify.

Testing every release and fixing problems (and asking for help when you
need it to fix the problems) is all that's required.  If you would send
two patches, one to take over the maintainership and a second to convert
to generic board (or find there's a problem with that and get the
discussion started on what to do about it), that will do it.


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