Hello Masahiro,

On ma, 2014-06-16 at 18:56 +0900, Masahiro Yamada wrote:
> "make %_config all" was supported for the first time in U-Boot:
>   commit 53bca5ab
>   kbuild: support simultaneous board configuration and "make all"
> Surprisingly it had not been working in Linux Kernel for a long time.
> So I sent back the patch to the Linux Kbuild community and it was
> accepted with a little code improvement, at commit 9319f453.
> Now, you can do "make defconfig all" or "make %_defconfig all"
> in Linux too.

There is some issue with this in current master I guess. I haven't
bothered too much, but I think the one liner cause gcc to be called even
if both compilers are set to clang. With a separate config and make step
I have never seen such behavior. I only noticed it on FreeBSD though
since gcc is not installed there and actually errors, so it might be
awk / sed related as well.

Anyway, perhaps rings a bell...


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