On Friday, June 06, 2014 at 09:13:31 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
> There is a spelling mistake and two functions are missing comments
> altogether. Also the flags declaration is correct, but doesn't follow
> style. Finally, the uclass_get_device() function has some errors in
> its documentation.
> --- a/include/dm/uclass.h
> +++ b/include/dm/uclass.h
> @@ -96,12 +96,14 @@ int uclass_get(enum uclass_id key, struct uclass
> **ucp); /**
>   * uclass_get_device() - Get a uclass device based on an ID and index
>   *
> + * The device is probed to activate it ready for use.
> + *
>   * id: ID to look up
>   * @index: Device number within that uclass (0=first)
> - * @ucp: Returns pointer to uclass (there is only one per for each ID)
> + * devp: Returns pointer to device (there is only one per for each ID)

You're missing the leading @ in "devp" here for consistency's sake.
Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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