On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 04:07:17PM +0100, York Sun wrote:
> On 06/05/2014 03:09 AM, Mark Rutland wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 04, 2014 at 05:27:30PM +0100, York Sun wrote:
> >> On 06/02/2014 11:01 AM, Mark Rutland wrote:
> >>> On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 05:06:13PM +0100, York Sun wrote:
> >>>> On 06/02/2014 04:34 AM, Mark Rutland wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 09:49:05PM +0100, York Sun wrote:
> >>>>>> Make MMU functions reusable. Platform code can setup its own MMU 
> >>>>>> tables.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> What exactly does platform code need to setup its own tables for?
> >>>>
> >>>> The general ARMv8 MMU table is not detail enough to control memory 
> >>>> attribute
> >>>> like cache for all addresses. We have devices mapping to addresses with
> >>>> different requirement for cache control.
> >>>
> >>> And there are no APIs for creating device mappings rather than exporting
> >>> the raw pagetable accessors and hard-coding them differently in every
> >>> board file?
> >>>
> >>
> >> That's a good question. At this point, only two platforms are using ARMv8 
> >> code.
> >> I am expecting FSL ARMv8 implementation will stay similar, i.e. covered by 
> >> the
> >> file I added. If that's not the case, or more ARMv8 SoCs need special MMU 
> >> table,
> >> we then should introduce such API. Having a full function MMU API may be an
> >> overkill for U-boot. We don't need dynamic MMU anyway.
> >
> > Maybe. It just seems to me that it would be possible to pre-allocate an
> > empty table that we could place device (nGnRnE?) mappings in. Then all
> > you'd need to call from board code is a function to map a range, rather
> > than having to duplicate logic for creating the tables you want.
> It sounds good, but not the case. For the three level tables I am using 
> (level0,
> level1, level2), I don't have level2 table for every address, that will be too
> many. Instead, I have a lot of blocks for level1. When I need some fine 
> control
> within a level1 block range, I have to create a new level2 table. It is 
> doable,
> but I will hold on that if I can use static table.

While my suggestion might not be the best, I'm not sure I follow, unless
you always want to idmap devices?

If you don't idmap devices, then you can place all of the disparate
physical mappings within a single table unless you have very large
peripherals to map?

> >
> >>
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Also fix a typo of "TCR_EL3_IPS_BITS" in cache_v8.c.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Signed-off-by: York Sun <york...@freescale.com>
> >>>>>> CC: David Feng <feng...@phytium.com.cn>
> >>>>>> ---
> >>>>>> Change log:
> >>>>>>  v4: new patch, splitted from v3 2/4
> >>>>>>      Revise set_pgtable_section() to be reused by platform MMU code
> >>>>>>      Add inline function set_ttbr_tcr_mair() to be used by this and 
> >>>>>> platform mmu code
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  arch/arm/cpu/armv8/cache_v8.c    |   49 
> >>>>>> ++++++++++++++++----------------------
> >>>>>>  arch/arm/include/asm/armv8/mmu.h |   23 ++++++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>  2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/cache_v8.c 
> >>>>>> b/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/cache_v8.c
> >>>>>> index a96ecda..67dbd46 100644
> >>>>>> --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/cache_v8.c
> >>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/cache_v8.c
> >>>>>> @@ -12,15 +12,14 @@
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_DCACHE_OFF
> >>>>>> -
> >>>>>> -static void set_pgtable_section(u64 section, u64 memory_type)
> >>>>>> +void set_pgtable_section(u64 *page_table, u64 index, u64 section,
> >>>>>> +                         u64 memory_type)
> >>>>>>  {
> >>>>>> -        u64 *page_table = (u64 *)gd->arch.tlb_addr;
> >>>>>>          u64 value;
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> -        value = (section << SECTION_SHIFT) | PMD_TYPE_SECT | 
> >>>>>> PMD_SECT_AF;
> >>>>>> +        value = section | PMD_TYPE_SECT | PMD_SECT_AF;
> >>>>>>          value |= PMD_ATTRINDX(memory_type);
> >>>>>> -        page_table[section] = value;
> >>>>>> +        page_table[index] = value;
> >>>>>>  }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  /* to activate the MMU we need to set up virtual memory */
> >>>>>> @@ -28,10 +27,13 @@ static void mmu_setup(void)
> >>>>>>  {
> >>>>>>          int i, j, el;
> >>>>>>          bd_t *bd = gd->bd;
> >>>>>> +        u64 *page_table = (u64 *)gd->arch.tlb_addr;
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>          /* Setup an identity-mapping for all spaces */
> >>>>>> -        for (i = 0; i < (PGTABLE_SIZE >> 3); i++)
> >>>>>> -                set_pgtable_section(i, MT_DEVICE_NGNRNE);
> >>>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < (PGTABLE_SIZE >> 3); i++) {
> >>>>>> +                set_pgtable_section(page_table, i, i << SECTION_SHIFT,
> >>>>>> +                                    MT_DEVICE_NGNRNE);
> >>>>>> +        }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>          /* Setup an identity-mapping for all RAM space */
> >>>>>>          for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS; i++) {
> >>>>>> @@ -39,36 +41,25 @@ static void mmu_setup(void)
> >>>>>>                  ulong end = bd->bi_dram[i].start + 
> >>>>>> bd->bi_dram[i].size;
> >>>>>>                  for (j = start >> SECTION_SHIFT;
> >>>>>>                       j < end >> SECTION_SHIFT; j++) {
> >>>>>> -                        set_pgtable_section(j, MT_NORMAL);
> >>>>>> +                        set_pgtable_section(page_table, j, j << 
> >>>>>> +                                            MT_NORMAL);
> >>>>>>                  }
> >>>>>>          }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>          /* load TTBR0 */
> >>>>>>          el = current_el();
> >>>>>>          if (el == 1) {
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr ttbr0_el1, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (gd->arch.tlb_addr) : "memory");
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr tcr_el1, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (TCR_FLAGS | TCR_EL1_IPS_BITS)
> >>>>>> -                             : "memory");
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr mair_el1, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES) : "memory");
> >>>>>> +                set_ttbr_tcr_mair(el, gd->arch.tlb_addr,
> >>>>>> +                                  TCR_FLAGS | TCR_EL1_IPS_BITS,
> >>>>>> +                                  MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES);
> >>>>>>          } else if (el == 2) {
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr ttbr0_el2, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (gd->arch.tlb_addr) : "memory");
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr tcr_el2, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (TCR_FLAGS | TCR_EL2_IPS_BITS)
> >>>>>> -                             : "memory");
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr mair_el2, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES) : "memory");
> >>>>>> +                set_ttbr_tcr_mair(el, gd->arch.tlb_addr,
> >>>>>> +                                  TCR_FLAGS | TCR_EL2_IPS_BITS,
> >>>>>> +                                  MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES);
> >>>>>>          } else {
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr ttbr0_el3, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (gd->arch.tlb_addr) : "memory");
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr tcr_el3, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (TCR_FLAGS | TCR_EL2_IPS_BITS)
> >>>>>> -                             : "memory");
> >>>>>> -                asm volatile("msr mair_el3, %0"
> >>>>>> -                             : : "r" (MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES) : "memory");
> >>>>>> +                set_ttbr_tcr_mair(el, gd->arch.tlb_addr,
> >>>>>> +                                  TCR_FLAGS | TCR_EL3_IPS_BITS,
> >>>>>> +                                  MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES);
> >>>>>>          }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>          /* enable the mmu */
> >>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/armv8/mmu.h 
> >>>>>> b/arch/arm/include/asm/armv8/mmu.h
> >>>>>> index 1193e76..7de4ff9 100644
> >>>>>> --- a/arch/arm/include/asm/armv8/mmu.h
> >>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/armv8/mmu.h
> >>>>>> @@ -108,4 +108,27 @@
> >>>>>>                                  TCR_IRGN_WBWA |         \
> >>>>>>                                  TCR_T0SZ(VA_BITS))
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> +#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
> >>>>>> +void set_pgtable_section(u64 *page_table, u64 index,
> >>>>>> +                         u64 section, u64 memory_type);
> >>>>>> +static inline void set_ttbr_tcr_mair(int el, u64 table, u64 tcr, u64 
> >>>>>> attr)
> >>>>>> +{
> >>>>>> +        asm volatile("dsb sy;isb");
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Huh? This wasn't anywhere before. Is the isb necessary?
> >>>>
> >>>> Probably not, but to make sure all previous instructions finish.
> >>>
> >>> Which instructions do you care about completing?
> >>>
> >>> You'll certainly want any page table writes to complete, but is anything
> >>> else in-flight at this point in time?
> >>
> >> Before calling this inline function, MMU tables were created. We want the
> >> writing completes before setting these registers.
> >
> > Sure, but the dsb sy guarantees that.
> >
> > The dsb sy will ensure that all reads and writes before it have become
> > visible to all observers in the full system shareability domain
> > (including the MMU) before any subsequent instructions (in program
> > order) can execute.
> >
> > I'd only expect to see a "dsb $DOMAIN; isb" sequence is when we're
> > changing things that affect the instruction stream (I-cache maintenance,
> > changing the mapping underlying the currently executing stream).
> Thanks. I can drop "isb". Please comment on v5 patches.

Will do momentarily.

> >
> >>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> When is this function expected to be called? Is the MMU expected to be
> >>>>> on?
> >>>>
> >>>> The general ARMv8 code calls this when MMU is off. For the SoC I am 
> >>>> enabling, it
> >>>> is called when MMU is off for the first time, but MMU on for the 2nd 
> >>>> time.
> >>>
> >>> Ok.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> +        if (el == 1) {
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr ttbr0_el1, %0" : : "r" (table) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr tcr_el1, %0" : : "r" (tcr) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr mair_el1, %0" : : "r" (attr) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If the MMU is on, this looks really scary -- what are you expecting to
> >>>>> change in a single invocation?
> >>>>
> >>>> It is not scary for general ARMv8 code. MMU is off then this is called. 
> >>>> For FSL
> >>>> SoC, I have these called for the 2nd time, when MMU is on. The 2nd time 
> >>>> call
> >>>> points to a new MMU table.
> >>>
> >>> Oh but it is ;)
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> +        } else if (el == 2) {
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr ttbr0_el2, %0" : : "r" (table) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr tcr_el2, %0" : : "r" (tcr) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr mair_el2, %0" : : "r" (attr) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +        } else if (el == 3) {
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr ttbr0_el3, %0" : : "r" (table) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr tcr_el3, %0" : : "r" (tcr) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +                asm volatile("msr mair_el3, %0" : : "r" (attr) : 
> >>>>>> "memory");
> >>>>>> +        } else {
> >>>>>> +                hang();
> >>>>>> +        }
> >>>>>
> >>>>> And no synchronisation to ensure that these writes are complete or even
> >>>>> ordered w.r.t. each other?
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> That's why I added asm volatile("dsb sy;isb") before them. The order of 
> >>>> these
> >>>> write doesn't matter. See the code before my change
> >>>> http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=blob;f=arch/arm/cpu/armv8/cache_v8.c;h=a96ecda7e3146996d20a2e46b975dced2769255c;hb=HEAD
> >>>
> >>> Ok, so that orders them against everything _before_ them, but not with
> >>> respect to each other, or anything _after_ them.
> >>>
> >>> When the MMU is off, you are correct that the ordering of these
> >>> operations w.r.t. each other doesn't matter. With the MMU on that's not
> >>> true as the CPU can rerder the operations and can walk the page tables
> >>> asynchronously.
> >>>
> >>> Changing the MAIR at runtime is somewhat scary because you may be
> >>> changing attributes for entries which are active in the cache and/or
> >>> TLBs. I'm not sure I follow why you need to change it once the MMU is on
> >>> -- there are plenty of subfields in the MAIR that you could configure
> >>> before turning the MMU on for use later.
> >>>
> >>> Likewise changing the TCR at runtime is somewhat scary because you can
> >>> change attributes of active cache and/or TLB entries, change fields that
> >>> affect the way page tables are walked (TG*. T*SZ), all asynchronously
> >>> w.r.t. the logic that walsk the page tables.
> >>>
> >>> Changing the TTBR is fine, except that we didn't invalidate old entries
> >>> with a TLBI, so we may even have partial translations cahced in the
> >>> TLBs, and we can get odd translations generated from the combination of
> >>> the old and new tables.
> >>
> >>
> >> Maybe a more proper way to do so is to change TTBR only. That's actually 
> >> what I
> >> really need. Or if I really need to change all of them, I should turn off 
> >> MMU first.
> >
> > In fact, if you had an API for creating device mappings, you wouldn't
> > even need to change the TTBR -- you'd just need to replace some existing
> > invalid entries with the new mapping, make them visible to the MMU with
> > a dsb, and then carry on. The TLBs aren't allowed to cache invalid
> > mappings, so on the next access to those mappings, the appropriate page
> > table entry will be read into the TLBs.
> >
> > If you alter multiple levels of a live table then you'll need barriers
> > (DMBs) between populating those levels. If you back device mappings by a
> > single level of table then you can avoid that. Even better, with an API
> > you can do the simple thing today then make it more advanced in future
> > if necessary without having to change your board code.
> >
> No objection here on the idea. But again this is not the case. My first MMU
> table is in SRAM, which is small and will be used for other purpose. The 2nd 
> table is in DDR. I could copy the table and do the maintenance as you said. 
> For
> now, I want to stick with the static table and only create the API when I 
> have to.

Sure, if your tables are in SRAM then trying to do a load of dynamic
allocation isn't going to work.

My fear is that while that sounds OK with a single user to do a quick
havk and poke the tables directly, we'll end up with everyone doing
that, and no-one will try to unify things. It is very diffifcult to
unify such variation after the fact.

> >>>> For the 2nd write used by FSL SoC, I need to flush the cache to make 
> >>>> sure the
> >>>> table is in main DDR and perform TLB invalidation. That's when the 
> >>>> loading of
> >>>> new MMU table happens.
> >>>
> >>> I missed the TLB invaliation -- where is that meant to happen?
> >>>
> >> After flushing the new MMU table into DDR. To your point above, I will 
> >> send a
> >> new version with updating TTBR only.
> >
> > Unfortunately, that's too early. The MMU is asynchronous w.r.t. the CPU
> > and so it can re-read the existing tables into the TLBs _before_ it has
> > been programmed with the new table address. The TLBI has to happen
> > _after_ the old tables are no longer pointed to by the TTBR.
> >
> > What you need to do to replace the active set of tables (assuming that
> > the new mapping has the instruction stream mapped in an identical way)
> > is:
> >
> > - Write the tables.
> >
> > - DSB to make them visible to the MMU.
> >
> > - Write to the appropriate TTBR_*.
> >
> > - ISB to complete the write to the TTBR_*.
> >
> > - TLBI to invalidate the old mappings the the TLBs.
> >
> > - DSB to complete the TLBI.
> >
> > - If you've changed the instruction stream or system state that will
> >   affect the instruction stream, ISB to flush the CPU pipeline.
> >
> >
> Here is the flow I have (as of v5 patch)
> Write the tables
> (I removed dsb here in v5, need to add back)
> Write TTBR
> (I missed isb here, need to add)
> Flush dcache (otherwise the table will not be in DDR. Yes, I verified)

This looks odd -- why do we need the tables to be in DDR? Why would we
flush them here, when the address is partially visible to the MMU?

> (DSB and ISB TLBI function)

Why another TLBI?

> I will need to send v6 patch to add the missing parts.

Sure, I'll hold off replies here until then.

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