
I have enabled environment flags and have protected "ethaddr" variable in write-once mode: "ethaddr:mo".

As expected, once set, I cannot overwrite this variable with standard setenv 
Also as expected, I can overwrite it at any time by passing the -f (forced) option to setenv:
        setenv -f ethaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

The 'env default' command is supposed to reset the environment to the default values. Its help is:

env default [-f] -a - [forcibly] reset default environment
env default [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] reset variable(s) to their default 

So I expect that 'env default ethaddr' does not change the value of 'ethaddr' (which actually occurs) because the variable is protected, but that adding the -f option does change the value to the default (which doesn't occur). In other words:

  env default ethaddr           Does not change 'ethaddr' (OK)
  env default -f ethaddr        Does not change 'ethaddr' (Problem #1)

Similarly, I was also expecting that 'env default -a', which resets the whole environment to its default values, does not modify protected 'ethaddr' (like it happens when you specify the variable) and that 'env default -f -a' resets it. However, both commands do reset the protected variables. In other words:

  env default -a                Changes/deletes 'ethaddr' (Problem #2)
  env default -f -a             Changes/deletes 'ethaddr' (OK)

Actually the '-f' option, despite being in the help text is not taken into consideration at the 'default' subcommand. This can easily be checked in function do_env_default() in common/cmd_nvedit.c, where the local variable 'flag' is not propagated anywhere in the function.

I can easily fix Problem #1 by propagating local variable 'flag' in do_env_default() to set_default_vars().

Problem #2 is more difficult because U-Boot is creating a new env table from scratch, disregarding previous existing entries, and calling env_flags_validate() in 'env_op_create' mode, which only checks for ENV_FLAGS_VARACCESS_PREVENT_CREATE permission.
Any ideas on how to properly fix this?

Best regards,
Hector Palacios
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