Hi Yegor,

On 20 May 2014 20:59, Yegor Yefremov <yegorsli...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I have following folder structure:
> board/kernel_fdt.its
> output/images/zImage
> The kernel.its has following path for the zImage:
> data = /incbin/("output/images/zImage");
> When I invoke mkimage like this, it complains, that
> "output/images/zImage" doesn't exist:
> mkimage -f board/kernel_fdt.its output/images/kernel_fdt.itb
> in other words it seems to take zImage's relative path starting from
> "board", where kernel_fdt.its is located. Is it a desired behavior and
> how can I override it, so that root will be set to the mkimage
> invocation path?
You could put ../output/... in there perhaps.

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