This patch intends to remove all code which enables hardware read
leveling. All characterization environments may not cope up with
h/w read leveling enabled, hence,  we need to disable this.
Also, disabling h/w read leveling improves the MIF LVcc value
(LVcc value is the value at which DDR will fail to work properly).
Improving LVcc means we have enough voltage margin for MIF.
When h/w leveling is enabled, we have almost zero volatge margin.
Signed-off-by: Alim Akhtar <>
Signed-off-by: Akshay Saraswat <>
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/dmc_init_ddr3.c | 71 -------------------------------
 1 file changed, 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/dmc_init_ddr3.c 
index a89930b..0822323 100644
--- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/dmc_init_ddr3.c
+++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/dmc_init_ddr3.c
@@ -524,77 +524,6 @@ int ddr3_mem_ctrl_init(int reset)
-               if (mem->read_leveling_enable) {
-                       /* Set Read DQ Calibration */
-                       val = (0x3 << DIRECT_CMD_BANK_SHIFT) | 0x4;
-                       for (chip = 0; chip < mem->chips_to_configure; chip++) {
-                               writel(val | (chip << DIRECT_CMD_CHIP_SHIFT),
-                                      &drex0->directcmd);
-                               writel(val | (chip << DIRECT_CMD_CHIP_SHIFT),
-                                      &drex1->directcmd);
-                       }
-                       val = readl(&phy0_ctrl->phy_con1);
-                       val |= READ_LEVELLING_DDR3;
-                       writel(val, &phy0_ctrl->phy_con1);
-                       val = readl(&phy1_ctrl->phy_con1);
-                       val |= READ_LEVELLING_DDR3;
-                       writel(val, &phy1_ctrl->phy_con1);
-                       val = readl(&phy0_ctrl->phy_con2);
-                       val |= (RDLVL_EN | RDLVL_INCR_ADJ);
-                       writel(val, &phy0_ctrl->phy_con2);
-                       val = readl(&phy1_ctrl->phy_con2);
-                       val |= (RDLVL_EN | RDLVL_INCR_ADJ);
-                       writel(val, &phy1_ctrl->phy_con2);
-                       setbits_le32(&drex0->rdlvl_config,
-                                    CTRL_RDLVL_DATA_ENABLE);
-                       i = TIMEOUT;
-                       while (((readl(&drex0->phystatus) & RDLVL_COMPLETE_CHO)
-                                != RDLVL_COMPLETE_CHO) && (i > 0)) {
-                               /*
-                                * TODO(waihong): Comment on how long this take
-                                * to timeout
-                                */
-                               sdelay(100);
-                               i--;
-                       }
-                       if (!i)
-                               return SETUP_ERR_RDLV_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT;
-                       clrbits_le32(&drex0->rdlvl_config,
-                                    CTRL_RDLVL_DATA_ENABLE);
-                       setbits_le32(&drex1->rdlvl_config,
-                                    CTRL_RDLVL_DATA_ENABLE);
-                       i = TIMEOUT;
-                       while (((readl(&drex1->phystatus) & RDLVL_COMPLETE_CHO)
-                                != RDLVL_COMPLETE_CHO) && (i > 0)) {
-                               /*
-                                * TODO(waihong): Comment on how long this take
-                                * to timeout
-                                */
-                               sdelay(100);
-                               i--;
-                       }
-                       if (!i)
-                               return SETUP_ERR_RDLV_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT;
-                       clrbits_le32(&drex1->rdlvl_config,
-                                    CTRL_RDLVL_DATA_ENABLE);
-                       val = (0x3 << DIRECT_CMD_BANK_SHIFT);
-                       for (chip = 0; chip < mem->chips_to_configure; chip++) {
-                               writel(val | (chip << DIRECT_CMD_CHIP_SHIFT),
-                                      &drex0->directcmd);
-                               writel(val | (chip << DIRECT_CMD_CHIP_SHIFT),
-                                      &drex1->directcmd);
-                       }
-                       update_reset_dll(&drex0->phycontrol0, DDR_MODE_DDR3);
-                       update_reset_dll(&drex1->phycontrol0, DDR_MODE_DDR3);
-               }
                /* Common Settings for Leveling */
                val = PHY_CON12_RESET_VAL;
                writel((val + n_lock_w_phy0), &phy0_ctrl->phy_con12);

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