On 03/18/2014 11:10 AM, Aneesh Bansal wrote:
> Changes:
> 1. L2 cache is being invalidated by Boot ROM code for e6500 core.
>    So removing the invalidation from start.S
> 2. Clear the LAW and corresponding configuration for CPC. Boot ROM
>    code uses it as hosekeeping area.
> 3. For Secure boot, CPC is configured as SRAM and used as house
>    keeping area. This configuration is to be disabled once in uboot.
>    Earlier this disabling of CPC as SRAM was happening in cpu_init_r.
>    As a result cache invalidation function was getting skipped in
>    case CPC is configured as SRAM.This was causing random crashes.
> Signed-off-by: Ruchika Gupta <ruchika.gu...@freescale.com>
> Signed-off-by: Aneesh Bansal <aneesh.ban...@freescale.com>
> ---

Applied to u-boot-mpc85xx/master, thanks.


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