Signed-off-by: Daniel Schwierzeck <>

 scripts/ | 259 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 259 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27f7387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+set -e
+test -e boards.cfg
+# architectures, which are maintained in a custodian tree
+# CPUs, which are maintained in a custodian tree
+# SOCs, which are maintained in a custodian tree
+# check whether the given arch has a custodian tree
+       local arch=$1
+       for val in ${git_arch[@]}; do
+               [ "$val" = "$arch" ] && return 0
+       done
+       return 1
+# check whether the given CPU has a custodian tree
+       local cpu=$1
+       for val in ${git_cpu[@]}; do
+               [ "$val" = "$cpu" ] && return 0
+       done
+       return 1
+# check whether the given SOC has a custodian tree
+       local soc=$1
+       for val in ${git_soc[@]}; do
+               [ "$val" = "$soc" ] && return 0
+       done
+       return 1
+# translate given architecture to Git URL of custodian tree
+       local arch=$1
+       local arch_git
+       case $arch in
+       aarch64)
+               arch_git=arm
+               ;;
+       m68k)
+               arch_git=coldfire
+               ;;
+       *)
+               arch_git=$arch
+               ;;
+       esac
+       echo git://$arch_git.git
+# translate given CPU to Git URL of custodian tree
+       local cpu=$1
+       local cpu_git
+       case $cpu in
+       74xx_7xx)
+               cpu_git=74xx-7xx
+               ;;
+       mpc824x|mpc8260)
+               cpu_git=mpc82xx
+               ;;
+       *)
+               cpu_git=$cpu
+               ;;
+       esac
+       echo git://$cpu_git.git
+# translate given SOC to Git URL of custodian tree
+       local soc=$1
+       local soc_git
+       case $soc in
+       at91)
+               soc_git=atmel
+               ;;
+       exynos|s3c24x0)
+               soc_git=samsung
+               ;;
+       kirkwood)
+               soc_git=marvell
+               ;;
+       mx25|mx27|mx31|mx35|mx5|mx6|mxs)
+               soc_git=imx
+               ;;
+       omap3|omap4|omap5)
+               soc_git=ti
+               ;;
+       spear)
+               soc_git=stm
+               ;;
+       tegra114|tegra124|tegra20|tegra30)
+               soc_git=tegra
+               ;;
+       *)
+               soc_git=$soc
+               ;;
+       esac
+       echo git://$soc_git.git
+echo -n > MAINTAINERS.boards
+echo -n > boards.cfg.tmp
+# pre-process, minimize and sort boards.cfg
+while read -r status arch cpu soc vendor board target options maintainers; do
+       case $status in
+       Active)
+               status="Maintained"
+               ;;
+       Orphan)
+               ;;
+       *)
+               continue
+               ;;
+       esac
+       options_target=$(echo $options | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}; { print $1 }')
+       if [ "$options_target" != "-" ]; then
+               board=$options_target
+       elif [ "$target" != "-" ]; then
+               board=$target
+       else
+               board=$board
+       fi
+       if has_soc_gittree $soc; then
+               gittree=$(get_soc_gittree $soc)
+       elif has_cpu_gittree $cpu; then
+               gittree=$(get_cpu_gittree $cpu)
+       elif has_arch_gittree $arch; then
+               gittree=$(get_arch_gittree $arch)
+       else
+               gittree="-"
+       fi
+       echo "$status $board $vendor $gittree $maintainers" >> boards.cfg.tmp
+done < boards.cfg
+sort -u boards.cfg.tmp > boards.cfg.sorted
+# create MAINTAINERS.boards from pre-processed boards.cfg
+while read -r status board vendor gittree maintainers; do
+       if [ "$vendor" = "-" ]; then
+               echo "BOARD $board" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       else
+               echo "BOARD $board $vendor" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       fi
+       if [ "$maintainers" != "-" ]; then
+               echo $maintainers | \
+                       awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}; { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) 
printf("M:\t%s\n", $i) }' \
+                       >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       fi
+       if [ "$gittree" != "-" ]; then
+               echo -e "T:\tgit $gittree" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       fi
+       echo -e "S:\t$status" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       if [ "$vendor" = "-" ]; then
+               echo -e "F:\tboard/$board/" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       else
+               echo -e "F:\tboard/$vendor/$board/" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+               if [ -e board/$vendor/common/Makefile ]; then
+                       echo -e "F:\tboard/$vendor/common/" >> 
+               fi
+       fi
+       config_h=include/configs/${board}.h
+       echo -e "F:\t$config_h" >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+       if [ ! -e $config_h ]; then
+               echo "$config_h is missing"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       echo >> MAINTAINERS.boards
+done < boards.cfg.sorted
+rm -f boards.cfg.sorted boards.cfg.tmp

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