On 04/14/2014 01:11 PM, Tran, Dang wrote:
Hi James,

I'm using U-Boot 2010.06 (Jun 18 2013 - 14:03:16)

This is a version of U-Boot that is even older than the version I used for my demonstration that ctrl-c works. (I used 2010.12)

You should make efforts towards using a more recent version.

What information can you provide as to the settings of your serial terminal emulator? Is it known to send your ctrl-c to the target device?

Jim Chargin
AJA Video Systems                       j...@aja.com
(530) 271-3334                          http://www.aja.com


-----Original Message-----
From: James Chargin [mailto:jimccr...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 9:46 AM
To: u-boot@lists.denx.de; Tran, Dang
Subject: Re: [U-Boot] U-Boot Loop


On 04/11/2014 09:23 AM, Tran, Dang wrote:

I'm running a PowerPC board that uses U-Boot and I get into this loop (see 
terminal output below).
It doesn't matter how I get into this loop. What I really care about is how to 
break out of it without manually resetting the board.
Is there a way to break out of this loop and reset the system via the terminal? 
Ctrl-X and Ctrl-C doesn't seem to do anything.

It might be helpful to know which version of U-Boot you are using.

Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete...... TIMEOUT !
eTSEC1: No link.
Speed: 1000, full duplex
Using eTSEC2 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 
Load address: 0x1000000
Loading: T T T T T T T T T T
Retry count exceeded; starting again
Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete...... TIMEOUT !

For U-Boot builds made from official sources, ctrl-C works for me to terminate 
the retry TFTP, as shown

=> # with no Ethernet connection...
=> tftp 500000 test.txt
Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete....user interrupt!
eTSEC1: No link.
show_boot_progress(-81) boot fail
=> # in the above, "user interrupt!" was the response to ^C => => # is 
known to not exist => setenv serverip => tftp 500000 test.txt
Speed: 1000, full duplex
Using eTSEC1 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'test.txt'.
Load address: 0x500000
Loading: T T
show_boot_progress(-81) boot fail
=> # in the above, "Abort" was the response to ^C =>

Please make sure your serial communication terminal emulator correctly transmits the 
ctrl-C when you type it. To see if this works, get to a U-Boot prompt and type 
ctrl-C, you should see <INTERRUPT>



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Jim Chargin
AJA Video Systems                       j...@aja.com
(530) 271-3334                          http://www.aja.com

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