Dear Wolfgang,

Thank you for your reply.

On 04/09/2014 02:50 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
Dear James,

In message <> you wrote:
I'd like to store the values of environment variables in HUSH shell
variables and then restore them later. My ultimate goal is to preserve a
few environment variables through a "env default -f".

It is probably easier to use "env export" to store this set of
variables to some area in memory.  You could even make this permanent
by writing it to flash or some storage device.

I hadn't thought of exporting the environment to memory, excellent idea.

I'm working with U-Boot 2010.12. Changing to a newer version is not
possible at this time.

Heh.  As soon as you have to change _any_ code, you can as well

I was hoping (in vain perhaps) to do my work modifying only the environment.

I realize this is a very old U-Boot. I'm hoping that the relevant parts
of U-Boot have not changed between that old version and versions you
might provide help for.

Well, a ton of bug fixes and improvements have been added since.  One
of the extensions you want and which has been added only after
v2010.12 is the capability to export only a sub-set of the environment
(i. e. a list of variables passed on the command line).

This is a definite drawback to having an old U-Boot; I'm sure I would benefit from the bug fixes and other enhancements.

Exporting a list of values sounds like a nice addition that would be helpful to me.

=> for i in $e; do v_$i=$i; done
What I get: exactly what you coded.  You would get the same in any other
shell, too.

=> showvar
v_e=e ethaddr ipaddr rootpath

So, how do I re-write the for loop to get the desired results

This would require an "eval" or command substitution, which we do not
have in our implementation of the hush shell.

"eval" seemed to me also to be what I wanted. I'm aware it isn't present in hush, but I was hoping for some magic from the community. :-)

To me it seems the easiest way to get what you want is to use
"env export ... ethaddr ipaddr rootpath" or similar.

I suppose, with my 2010.12, I could export everything to memory and then parse through it to find the values I need then import them. Sounds vaguely possible but it's probably more complex than doing the U-Boot upgrade.

Um... yes, this requires an update to more recent code.

Yes, update is on my to-do list, but schedules dictate that the upgrade is not my first priority. The conclusion reached here adds to the argument for doing it sooner rather than later.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Thank you again for you comments.
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