
On 3 April 2014 03:40, Helmut Raiger <helmut.rai...@hale.at> wrote:

> Hi,
>   for all the wrong reasons I have to load a second u-boot from a first
> one.
> I'm finally able to start it, but it only works if I do a
> cleanup_before_linux(),
> i.e. turn off interrupts and caches before the actual 'go'.
> For testing I patched the go command, but obviously this can't be
> contributed as such.
> Anyone having a suggestion on how to do this?
> 1) add option to 'go' command, which is hard as it has variable arguments

This seems best to me if you don't want to add a new command. Maybe you
could add a '-c' argument to cleanup?

> 2) add another go command
> 3) use an environment variable to set the option for 'go'

> Theoretically I could use an u-boot image to encapsulate the second u-boot
> and use 'bootm', but I think I'll stumble over the same kind of questions.
> Helmut
> PS: this is a re-post (the original one hung on-to the thread where I
> asked for help in the first place).
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