
Kindly help me with the following problem:

I tried upgrading my uboot and ended up with nothing on my console..pls help

I'm having a custom board which is almost a clone of the AT91RM9200DK.
Only difference is that I'm having only 2MB of dataflash...rest is the same

Nb pages:   4096
Page Size:    528
Bank # 1: Atmel: AT49BV1614 (16Mbit)
  Size: 2 MB in 40 Sectors
  Sector Start Addresses:
    10000000      10002000      10004000      10006000      10008000

Initally i had old version (1.2.x ) of uboot running on it tat came from the 
Atmel site for AT91RM9200DK...

I was trying to update my uboot to the latest version and to start with I did 
the following 

make clean
make at91rm9200dk_config
Configuring for at91rm9200dk board...
make all

And then on the console:

Uboot> tftp 20000000 u-boot.bin
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'u-boot.bin'.
Load address: 0x20000000
Loading: #######################
Bytes transferred = 117188 (1c9c4 hex)

Uboot> protect off all
Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1

Uboot> erase all
Erase Flash Bank # 1 Erasing sector  0 ... ok.
Erasing sector  1 ... ok.
Erasing sector  2 ... ok.
Erasing sector 39 ... ok.

Uboot> cp.b 20000000 10000000 1c9c4
Copy to Flash... done

Uboot> protect on all
Protect Flash Bank # 1

but I ended up with nothing on the screen when I restarted my board. I also 
tried to change the 


but didn't succeed...

Can anyone tell me how to get started? 
(I have my old uboot files saved and know to get back my oldversion  of uboot 
to try the upgrade with proper steps..)

Thank you for your support

Best Regards,

Benny K J


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