On 5/4/09 8:08 AM, Stefan Roese wrote:
> On Monday 04 May 2009, Jonathan Haws wrote:
>>> I suggest that you run some stress tests in a conditioning cabinet to see
>>> if
>>> the other boards don't show any problems.
>> That is a good idea.  I haven't thought of performing those tests.  Are
>> there specific tests I can enable in the U-Boot environment for that?
> Perhaps the memory tests from the POST infrastructure. But from my experience
> a realworld application running under Linux is a good test. For example
> compiling a Linux kernel in a loop. Perhaps mounted via NFS. Something like
> this should fail at some time when SDRAM related problems exist.

Agreed that real world application tests can be sufficiently abusive to
surface problems.

However, a side benefit of a non-application, exhaustive diagnostic is the
attendant reporting that goes with such a test that can identify particular
data patterns or addresses that fail giving better insight into the true
nature of the problem.



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