On 2014-03-06 20:49, Gerhard Sittig wrote:
Hi Gerhard,
On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 15:26 +0100, Hannes Petermaier wrote:
--- a/common/lcd.c
+++ b/common/lcd.c
@@ -400,12 +400,12 @@ __weak int lcd_get_size(int *line_length)
int drv_lcd_init(void)
- struct stdio_dev lcddev;
- int rc;
lcd_base = (void *) gd->fb_base;
lcd_init(lcd_base); /* LCD initialization */
+ struct stdio_dev lcddev;
+ int rc;
/* Device initialization */
memset(&lcddev, 0, sizeof(lcddev));
What do language lawyers say about declarations after
instructions within blocks? This looks somewhat fishy.
Lawyers say, that compiler must not say warnings if the option ist
turned on, so it is necessary to do this so.
@@ -419,6 +419,9 @@ int drv_lcd_init(void)
rc = stdio_register(&lcddev);
return (rc == 0) ? 1 : rc;
+ return 0;
This (continuation from the above #ifndef) somehow reads like
inverted logic. It appears like "ifdef NOSTDOUT" is a shortcut,
not a strict alternative as the patch suggests.
Yes, in fact - this is inverted logic.
Reason for this is, if someone doesn't want this feature, he/she simply
doesn't set the #define.
All other applications which are using this code have to do nothing at
all to be compatible in the future.
So for my opinion thats a good way to do so.
In general U-Boot tries to get away from the multitude of ifdefs
where possible. I'm afraid adding a new one needs a very good
reason to get perceived as welcome.
Okay, i didn't knew about this fact.
I have to check "how early" lcd_drv_init is called and if at this time
reading environment variables are allready accessible, so it would be
possible to make the behavior environment dependent. Maybe this would
also cancel discussion about inverted logic :-)
virtually yours
Gerhard Sittig
best regards,
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