Hi Masahiro,

On Thu, 06 Mar 2014 17:05:24 +0900, Masahiro Yamada
<yamad...@jp.panasonic.com> wrote:

> Hello Tom,
> (dropping dead emails from Cc)
> (adding Albert to Cc)
> > > When I Cced board maintainers, some of them resulted
> > > in bounce mails.
> > > I'd say at least 8 addresses (listed as Cc: below)
> > > are dead.
> > > 
> > > After discussing with Detlev, I agreed to just mark
> > > them as dead address and keep them.
> > > Deleting the e-mail means loosing important information.
> > > 
> [snip]
> > For the blackfin ones where we have Sonic also listed as a maintainer,
> > Sonic are you maintaining them?  If so, please update the entries to
> > update or remove the other addresses. 
> OK. I can do this.
> > And for all of the other boards,
> > if the maintainer has a bouncing email address I would say that
> > qualifies as moving from Active to Inactive.
> You mean, from "Active" to "Orphan"?
> ( Because the first column is 6 charactors width,
> "Incactive" corrupts the format and we would have to run
> tools/reformat.py again.)
> Besides, should I move "Orphan" boards to the bottom of boards.cfg?

tools/reformat.py handles column sizing and sorting, precisely to spare
the bother to people who use it.

> It is not clear to me when we should change the board status
> from "Active" to "Orphan". 
> (Could you show me the basic guideline, Tom ? or Albert ?)
> There are many boards without maintainers, which are still "Active".

This is a known, and so far, open, question. Right now, orphan boards
are those which were marked so in the former MAINTAINERS file. My
personal opinion is that "Active" should mean the board is
activelymaintained and any maintainer e-mail address associated
with the board is that of an active maintainer, and "Orphan" means the
board is not actively maintained any more but still builds, and any
address associated with it is that of the last known maintainer(s).

> Best Regards
> Masahiro Yamada

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