Hi Scott,

On 02/28/2014 08:35 AM, Scott Wood wrote:
On Mon, 2013-12-02 at 11:24 +0800, Bo Shen wrote:
Prepare for nand spl boot support. It supports nand software ECC and
hardware PMECC.
This patch is take <drivers/mtd/nand/nand_spl_simple.c> as reference.

Signed-off-by: Bo Shen <voice.s...@atmel.com>
  drivers/mtd/nand/atmel_nand.c |  206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  include/nand.h                |    6 ++
  2 files changed, 212 insertions(+)

Looks OK but some style nits:

diff --git a/drivers/mtd/nand/atmel_nand.c b/drivers/mtd/nand/atmel_nand.c
index da83f06..64e11e1 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/nand/atmel_nand.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/atmel_nand.c
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@



There's no need to ifdef before undeffing.

I will remove the ifdef.

  struct atmel_nand_host {
        struct pmecc_regs __iomem *pmecc;
        struct pmecc_errloc_regs __iomem *pmerrloc;
@@ -1163,6 +1169,8 @@ static int at91_nand_ready(struct mtd_info *mtd)


Use ifdef rather than ifndef for if/else.

OK, I will use ifdef instead of ifndef.


This symbol needs to be documented (I realize it isn't new).

OK, I will document it.

+static int nand_ecc_pos[] = CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCPOS;
+                 CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCSIZE)

Is this stuff used anywhere but nand_read_page()?  If not, move it
there (as local variables, not #defines).

OK, I will move where  use it.

+static int nand_read_page(int block, int page, void *dst)
+       struct nand_chip *this = mtd.priv;
+       u_char ecc_calc[ECCTOTAL];
+       u_char ecc_code[ECCTOTAL];
+       u_char oob_data[CONFIG_SYS_NAND_OOBSIZE];
+       int eccsize = CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCSIZE;
+       int eccbytes = CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCBYTES;
+       int eccsteps = ECCSTEPS;
+       int i;
+       uint8_t *p = dst;
+       nand_command(block, page, 0, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+       for (i = 0; eccsteps; eccsteps--, i += eccbytes, p += eccsize) {
+               if (this->ecc.mode != NAND_ECC_SOFT)
+                       this->ecc.hwctl(&mtd, NAND_ECC_READ);
+               this->read_buf(&mtd, p, eccsize);
+               this->ecc.calculate(&mtd, p, &ecc_calc[i]);
+       }
+       this->read_buf(&mtd, oob_data, CONFIG_SYS_NAND_OOBSIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < ECCTOTAL; i++)
+               ecc_code[i] = oob_data[nand_ecc_pos[i]];
+       eccsteps = ECCSTEPS;
+       p = dst;
+       for (i = 0; eccsteps; eccsteps--, i += eccbytes, p += eccsize)
+               this->ecc.correct(&mtd, p, &ecc_code[i], &ecc_calc[i]);
+       atmel_nand_pmecc_read_page(&mtd, this, dst, 0, page);
+       return 0;

These don't share enough code to warrant interleaving like this -- just
have one big ifdef/else.  It will be more readable.

I will change in next version.


Best Regards,
Bo Shen
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