Dear Franck Jullien,

Franck Jullien <franck.jullien <at>> writes:

> Hi,
> I'd like to know if I have understood it correctly.
> When first time booting from NOR, the RCW and PBI must be written
> using the JTAG. The last instruction of the PBI must be a jump
> (0x13_8080) to the user's code (uboot here).

You should not need to bring out the JTAG.

The build process for other FSL boards that require RCW (i.e. P5040) can 
create a single binary that includes RCW, PBI, and u-boot. 

BUT the T1040 right now does not have a build target that creates this 
binary! It seems FSL hasn't gotten about to creating it yet (not in mailine, 
not in patchworks, none in the FSL SDK).

> Am I right ?
> Best regards,
> Franck.

All the best,

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