Detlev Zundel wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
>> Detlev Zundel wrote:
>>> Hello Shinya,
>>>> Detlev Zundel wrote:
>>>>> As I said, I understand now why there were different data-types involved
>>>>> although this was kind of non-obvious.  So I take it, you had a working
>>>>> configuration with REG_SIZE = 4, correct?
>>>> I might be unclear. I used to use REG_SIZE = -16, as 16550 registers
>>>> are located at 0, +0x10, +0x20, ..., .
>> 16 byte stride.  That is seriously odd.
> Isn't this "natural" for a 64-bitter?

Yes.  I wasn't thinking of the processor as 64 bits.


>> It sounds like Shinya has some pretty odd (read "broken") hardware
>> that is decoding the registers with a 16 byte stride, although his
>> example above shows a 4 byte stride (less broken).
> It's a 16-byte stride, although the register shows up neither at the
> top, nor at the low end, but "slightly to the left", i.e. at offset 0x3
> ;)

That is the big piece I didn't understand.  Thanks and sorry for the noise.


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