Hi David

Sorry for the late review, please find some comments inline.

On 15-Jan-14 1:40 PM, feng...@phytium.com.cn wrote:
> From: David Feng <feng...@phytium.com.cn>
> This patch add gicv3 support to uboot armv8 platform.
> Modifications cover 4 source files, as follows:
>   gic.S: gicv3 initialization and sgi interrupt raising.
>   goc.h: gicv3 register definitions.
>   vexpress_aemv8a.h: add CONFIG_GICV2/CONFIG_GICV3 switch.
>   start.S: set SCR_EL3.NS bit to 1, gicv3 register of ICC_SRE_EL2
>            could be accessed only when SCR_EL3.NS=1.
>            set SCR_EL3.IRQ|FIQ|EA bits, reroute all interrupts to
>            el3 at all cores, slaves could be waken up by interrupt
>            only when the interrupt is routed to it when running
>            at el3.

I cant understand why it is required that we route IRQs to EL3 here. Won't it 
be sufficient
to only route FIQs to EL3 and wake the secondary processors using an FIQ?

> Note: please use the latest gcc 4.8 compiler from linaro 
>       which support gicv3 system register assembling.
> Signed-off-by: David Feng <feng...@phytium.com.cn>
> ---
> arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gic.S          |   84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  arch/arm/cpu/armv8/start.S        |    5 ++-
>  arch/arm/include/asm/gic.h        |   56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  include/configs/vexpress_aemv8a.h |    7 ++++
>  4 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gic.S b/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gic.S
> index 599aa8f..a08939a 100644
> --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gic.S
> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gic.S
> @@ -23,6 +23,74 @@
>   *
>   *************************************************************************/
>  WEAK(gic_init)
> +#if defined(CONFIG_GICV3)

There is quite a bit of code inside CONFIG_GICV3 which is very similar to code 
why not collect the common code in one place?

> +     branch_if_slave x0, 3f
> +
> +     /* Initialize Distributor */
> +     ldr     x1, =GICD_BASE
> +     mov     w0, #0x37               /* EnableGrp0 | EnableGrp1NS */
> +                                     /* EnableGrp1S | ARE_S | ARE_NS */
> +     str     w0, [x1, GICD_CTLR]     /* Secure GICD_CTLR */
> +     ldr     w0, [x1, GICD_TYPER]
> +     and     w2, w0, #0x1f           /* ITLinesNumber */
> +     cbz     w2, 1f                  /* No SPIs */
> +     add     x3, x1, (GICD_IGROUPRn + 4)
> +     add     x4, x1, (GICD_IGROUPMODRn + 4)
> +     mov     w5, #~0
> +0:   str     w5, [x3], #0x4
> +     str     wzr, [x4], #0x4         /* Config SPIs as Group1NS */
> +     sub     w2, w2, #0x1
> +     cbnz    w2, 0b
> +
> +     /* Initialize All ReDistributors */
> +1:   ldr     x1, =GICR_BASE
> +2:   mov     w0, #~0x2
> +     ldr     w2, [x1, GICR_WAKER]
> +     and     w2, w2, w0              /* Clear ProcessorSleep */
> +     str     w2, [x1, GICR_WAKER]
> +     dsb     st
> +     isb
> +0:   ldr     w0, [x1, GICR_WAKER]
> +     tbnz    w0, #2, 0b              /* Wait Children be Alive */
> +
> +     add     x2, x1, #(1 << 16)      /* SGI_Base */
> +     mov     w5, #~0
> +     str     w5, [x2, GICR_IGROUPRn]
> +     str     wzr, [x2, GICR_IGROUPMODRn]     /* SGIs|PPIs Group1NS */
> +     mov     w0, #0x1                /* Enable SGI 0 */
> +     str     w0, [x2, GICR_ISENABLERn]
> +
> +     ldr     w0, [x1, GICR_TYPER]
> +     add     x1, x1, #(2 << 16)
> +     tbz     w0, #4, 2b              /* Next ReDistributor if Exist */

I am not sure that this is a good idea. Why should the primary code initialize 
all redistributors?
Would it not be a better idea to make this code per cpu and let each core 
initialize its own
redistributor interface?

> +
> +     /* Initialize Cpu Interface */
> +3:   mrs     x0, ICC_SRE_EL3
> +     orr     x0, x0, #0xf            /* SRE & Disable IRQ/FIQ Bypass & */
> +                                     /* Allow EL2 access to ICC_SRE_EL2 */
> +     msr     ICC_SRE_EL3, x0
> +     isb
> +
> +     mrs     x0, ICC_SRE_EL2
> +     orr     x0, x0, #0xf            /* SRE & Disable IRQ/FIQ Bypass & */
> +                                     /* Allow EL1 access to ICC_SRE_EL1 */

I don't think that u-boot should be doing this unconditionally. If U-Boot is 
configured to
boot the OS in EL2 (i.e. CONFIG_ARMV8_SWITCH_TO_EL1 is not set) then this 
should be left to
the OS. This code should probably be enclosed in ifdef 

> +     msr     ICC_SRE_EL2, x0
> +     isb
> +
> +     mov     x0, #0x3                /* EnableGrp1NS | EnableGrp1S */
> +     msr     ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3, x0
> +     isb
> +
> +     msr     ICC_CTLR_EL3, xzr
> +     isb
> +
> +     msr     ICC_CTLR_EL1, xzr       /* NonSecure ICC_CTLR_EL1 */

Again why is U-Boot configuring this register, isn't it best left to the 
software running
in non-secure EL1?


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