Hi Brian,

>From: Gupta, Pekon
>>I'm preparing a 3.14 pull request soon, and since you seem committed to
>>fixing and properly testing a known regression here, I'd like to see
>>this go in. But given the late timing and the unanswered questions, I
>>think it's unlikely to go in -rc1. Perhaps I can send a later pull
>>request if we can get it together properly.
>Yes, if the above details are sufficient, then I'll:
>(1) re-word [PATCH 1/2] commit log & title to mention that it's a clean-up
>(2) Add above description and details of regression into commit log of [PATCH 
>(3) Include your other comments on individual patches.
>>So I'd like to first of all get a few answers to my questions, and then
>>I think we might want to refresh this patch series with a little better
>>commit messages and perhaps a separate documentation file (not
>>necessarily in the same patch series, as the fix is more urgent).
Do my previous responses look complete to you for re-submission ?

with regards, pekon
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