On 01/26/2014 08:41 AM, Simon Glass wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> On 23 January 2014 12:56, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org
> <mailto:swar...@wwwdotorg.org>> wrote:
>     From: Stephen Warren <swar...@nvidia.com <mailto:swar...@nvidia.com>>
>     This could be used in scripts such as:
>     if exists mmc 0:1 /boot/boot.scr; then
>         load mmc 0:1 ${scriptaddr} /boot/boot.scr
>         source ${scriptaddr}
>     fi
> Acked-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org <mailto:s...@chromium.org>>
> Seems useful.
> In addition, if it is just the error messages you are worried about (and
> I agree they should be eliminated) I wonder if we should consider adding
> a -e flag (or similar) to the read command to make it silently fail when
> the file does not exist? Arguably your code fragment above could be:
> if load -e mmc 0:1 ${scriptaddr} /boot/boot.scr; then
>     source ${scriptaddr}
> fi

That would certainly work, although I think a direct check of
file-existence is more in line with how a regular Unix shell script
would work (test -e). I could imagine wanting to test for the existence
of a file without caring about its contents (e.g. using a file as a flag
to trigger a firmware upgrade or something)
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