Hi Artem,

I wanted to check the 'white-space-fixup' and re-reading your
documentation before, so got delayed in replying.
+ my mail got moderated again by mailman..

>From: Artem Bityutskiy [mailto:artem.bityuts...@linux.intel.com]

>If you are worried about fragmentation, we can discuss this separately.
>You can find more about UBIFS journal in my very old UBIFS presentation,
>which explains basic ideas behind the UBIFS wandering journal:
>There is also Adrian's white paper with some design description there.
Thanks much for reminding me about this.
I had read your slides long back, but never dig deep into Adrian's slides.
so, this was still in my 'To Read' list. But really appreciate your work and


>I do not understand the question. There are no problems in your (b),
>neither in "*_Case-2_" described.
>If you meant "*_Case-1_", then yes, there is a piece of doc:
>Basically, "ubiformat" is the "correct" UBI-aware flasher, while
>u-boot's "nand write" seems to be a dumb flasher. I guess you have 2
>1. Teach u-boot's "nand write" to skip empty pages, or may be implement
>a separate "clever" flashing command.
Yes, I'll try 'Stefano Babic' suggestion of using u-boot UBI tools.

>2. Use UBIFS's "space fixup" feature. This will cause UBIFS to fix-up
>all empty pages by basically copying all partially-used PEBs to
>different PEBes with empty pages skipping. This will be done on the
>first mount, only once, and may cause considerable delays.
>See http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/faq/ubifs.html#L_free_space_fixup
Though I had read about 'white-space-fixup' feature earlier too, But
somewhere in back of my mind, I thought it was only for "free PEBs"
(erased-blocks which had corrupted or no volume-header). But after
re-reading the FAQ page, I realized that 'white-space-fixup' is done for
all pages, whether in 'free-PEB' or 'used-PEB'.

So, This solved my problem.. Thanks much..

>P.S. Looking at the MTD web-site now, when I am not doing any
>UBI/UBIFS/MTD work anymore for few years, I am impressed how much stuff
>I actually documented there :-)
Absolutely agree. Therefore your file-system is so popular..
Especially the MTD and UBI documentation is not only limited to 'how to use it',
Instead I think, it has some advanced details, explanations and reasoning
which were quite ahead of its time when it was written.

This is something which you and other MTD/UBI/ & UBIFS Authors
and Maintainers should be proud of.

Thanks again .. 

with regards, pekon
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