Dear Dirk,

In message <> you wrote:
> > While I agree on your comment on flexibility, I strongly repudiate
> > the statement that the MW state is not clearly communicated. Please
> > have a look at 
> Ups, this link is new to me. Thanks for it :)

Well, I thought it is easy to find. Even google for "u-boot merge
window" lists it as first link.

> Now, talking above about wiki and IRC above, someone might get the 
> feeling 'and what's about the mailing list'? Maybe we can help people 
> by pushing the available info from IRC/wiki more actively into their 
> inboxes? (*)

So what about


> I could imagine to have 4 or 5 points were an additional mail (besides 
> IRC/wiki update) would make sense:
> - Some days before merge window opens "merge window opens in t days, 
> become ready"
> - Version z created. Merge window is open. Will be open until ...
> - Merge window will close in some days, please become ready
> - Merge window closed now. Next merge window is planned for x, first 
> -rc is planned for y.

I think that would be serious overkill. If you are interested in the
U-Boot development cycle you can get the information easily - see
above. If you need fine-grained reminders, set up a local reminder

> And if we want to make it perfect, each -rc could get a similar 
> announcement, too.

Would ne not just add a lot of noise to the ML, without any real new

If you want detailed information about each action, please feel free
and register a RSS feed on the git repository.

> Please note that I don't want to say that this didn't happen in the 
> past. I just want to say that there might be the _feeling_ that the 
> info isn't there and that people are too lazy to search for it. And 
> with this more info on the mailing list could help.

Sorry, but I cannot  really  follow  you.  All  the  information  you
request  for seems to be present to me. I have posted this on the ML,
and I update the web page pretty promptly.

I don;t know why you missed the information.

> (*) Well, most probably we should do it less often than RMK does post 
> his FAQs on arm-linux-kernel mailing list ;)

He. At least his "You disturb me. Go away!" message add some spice ;-)

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
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