On 02/12/13 22:17, Rajeshwari Birje wrote:
> Hi Minkyu Kang,
> Thank you for comments.
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Minkyu Kang <mk7.k...@samsung.com> wrote:
>> On 09/10/13 16:55, Rajeshwari Birje wrote:
>>> Hi Minkyu Kang,
>>> Since this patch is related to arch/arm spi booting, I had a doubt
>>> where would it get merged in u-boot-samsung.git or u-boot-spi.git.
>>> This patch is based on "[U-Boot] [PATCH 4/4] spi: exynos: Support word
>>> transfers" which is already merged in u-boot-spi.git.
>> Now, that patch is merged to u-boot-samsung.
>> Anyway I'm OK to pick this patch to u-boot-spi.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rajeshwari Shinde.
>>> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 6:42 PM, Rajeshwari S Shinde
>>> <rajeshwar...@samsung.com> wrote:
>>>> This patch implements a custom spi_copy funtion to copy u-boot from SF
>>>> to RAM. This is faster then iROM spi_copy funtion as this runs spi at
>>>> 50Mhz and also in WORD mode of operation.
>>>> Changed a printf in pinmux.c to debug just to avoid the compilation
>>>> error in SPL.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Alim Akhtar <alim.akh...@samsung.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Tom Wai-Hong Tam <waih...@chromium.org>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Rajeshwari S Shinde <rajeshwar...@samsung.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> Based on following patch yet to be merged:
>>>>         "[U-Boot] [PATCH 4/4] spi: exynos: Support word transfers"
>>>> Changes in V2:
>>>>         - Corrected the commit message.
>>>>         - Added a SPI timeout check.
>>>>         - Corrected the comments.
>>>> Changes in V3:
>>>>         - Rebased on the latest u-boot-spi tree.
>>>>  arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/pinmux.c     |   2 +-
>>>>  arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/spl_boot.c   | 122 
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>>  arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/spi.h |   1 +
>>>>  include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h        |   2 +
>>>>  4 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/pinmux.c 
>>>> b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/pinmux.c
>>>> index 8002bce..74cc700 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/pinmux.c
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/pinmux.c
>>>> @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ static int exynos4_pinmux_config(int peripheral, int 
>>>> flags)
>>>>         case PERIPH_ID_SDMMC1:
>>>>         case PERIPH_ID_SDMMC3:
>>>>         case PERIPH_ID_SDMMC4:
>>>> -               printf("SDMMC device %d not implemented\n", peripheral);
>>>> +               debug("SDMMC device %d not implemented\n", peripheral);
>> unrelated change.
> As mentioned commit message
> "Changed a printf in pinmux.c to debug just to avoid the compilation
> error in SPL."
>>>>                 return -1;
>>>>         default:
>>>>                 debug("%s: invalid peripheral %d", __func__, peripheral);
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/spl_boot.c 
>>>> b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/spl_boot.c
>>>> index 3651c00..6faf13f 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/spl_boot.c
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/spl_boot.c
>>>> @@ -10,8 +10,11 @@
>>>>  #include <asm/arch/clock.h>
>>>>  #include <asm/arch/clk.h>
>>>>  #include <asm/arch/dmc.h>
>>>> +#include <asm/arch/periph.h>
>>>> +#include <asm/arch/pinmux.h>
>>>>  #include <asm/arch/power.h>
>>>>  #include <asm/arch/spl.h>
>>>> +#include <asm/arch/spi.h>
>>>>  #include "common_setup.h"
>>>>  #include "clock_init.h"
>>>> @@ -59,6 +62,119 @@ static int config_branch_prediction(int set_cr_z)
>>>>  }
>>>>  #endif
>>>> +static void spi_rx_tx(struct exynos_spi *regs, int todo,
>>>> +                       void *dinp, void const *doutp, int i)
>>>> +{
>>>> +       uint *rxp = (uint *)(dinp + (i * (32 * 1024)));
>>>> +       int rx_lvl, tx_lvl;
>>>> +       uint out_bytes, in_bytes;
>>>> +
>>>> +       out_bytes = todo;
>>>> +       in_bytes = todo;
>>>> +       setbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_RST);
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_RST);
>>>> +       writel(((todo * 8) / 32) | SPI_PACKET_CNT_EN, &regs->pkt_cnt);
>>>> +
>>>> +       while (in_bytes) {
>>>> +               uint32_t spi_sts;
>>>> +               int temp;
>>>> +
>>>> +               spi_sts = readl(&regs->spi_sts);
>>>> +               rx_lvl = ((spi_sts >> 15) & 0x7f);
>>>> +               tx_lvl = ((spi_sts >> 6) & 0x7f);
>>>> +               while (tx_lvl < 32 && out_bytes) {
>>>> +                       temp = 0xffffffff;
>>>> +                       writel(temp, &regs->tx_data);
>>>> +                       out_bytes -= 4;
>>>> +                       tx_lvl += 4;
>>>> +               }
>>>> +               while (rx_lvl >= 4 && in_bytes) {
>>>> +                       temp = readl(&regs->rx_data);
>>>> +                       if (rxp)
>>>> +                               *rxp++ = temp;
>>>> +                       in_bytes -= 4;
>>>> +                       rx_lvl -= 4;
>>>> +               }
>>>> +       }
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +/*
>>>> + * Copy uboot from spi flash to RAM
>>>> + *
>>>> + * @parma uboot_size   size of u-boot to copy
>>>> + * @param uboot_addr   address in u-boot to copy
>>>> + */
>>>> +static void exynos_spi_copy(unsigned int uboot_size, unsigned int 
>>>> uboot_addr)
>>>> +{
>>>> +       int upto, todo;
>>>> +       int i, timeout = 100;
>>>> +       struct exynos_spi *regs = (struct exynos_spi *)CONFIG_ENV_SPI_BASE;
>>>> +
>>>> +       set_spi_clk(PERIPH_ID_SPI1, 50000000); /* set spi clock to 50Mhz */
>>>> +       /* set the spi1 GPIO */
>>>> +       exynos_pinmux_config(PERIPH_ID_SPI1, PINMUX_FLAG_NONE);
>>>> +
>>>> +       /* set pktcnt and enable it */
>>>> +       writel(4 | SPI_PACKET_CNT_EN, &regs->pkt_cnt);
>>>> +       /* set FB_CLK_SEL */
>>>> +       writel(SPI_FB_DELAY_180, &regs->fb_clk);
>>>> +       /* set CH_WIDTH and BUS_WIDTH as word */
>>>> +       setbits_le32(&regs->mode_cfg, SPI_MODE_CH_WIDTH_WORD |
>>>> +                                       SPI_MODE_BUS_WIDTH_WORD);
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_CPOL_L); /* CPOL: active high */
>>>> +
>>>> +       /* clear rx and tx channel if set priveously */
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_RX_CH_ON | SPI_TX_CH_ON);
>>>> +
>>>> +       setbits_le32(&regs->swap_cfg, SPI_RX_SWAP_EN |
>>>> +                       SPI_RX_BYTE_SWAP |
>>>> +                       SPI_RX_HWORD_SWAP);
>>>> +
>>>> +       /* do a soft reset */
>>>> +       setbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_RST);
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_RST);
>>>> +
>>>> +       /* now set rx and tx channel ON */
>>>> +       setbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_RX_CH_ON | SPI_TX_CH_ON | 
>>>> SPI_CH_HS_EN);
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->cs_reg, SPI_SLAVE_SIG_INACT); /* CS low */
>>>> +
>>>> +       /* Send read instruction (0x3h) followed by a 24 bit addr */
>>>> +       writel((SF_READ_DATA_CMD << 24) | SPI_FLASH_UBOOT_POS, 
>>>> &regs->tx_data);
>>>> +
>>>> +       /* waiting for TX done */
>>>> +       while (!(readl(&regs->spi_sts) & SPI_ST_TX_DONE)) {
>>>> +               if (!timeout) {
>>>> +                       debug("SPI TIMEOUT\n");
>>>> +                       break;
>>>> +               }
>>>> +               timeout--;
>>>> +       }
>>>> +
>>>> +       for (upto = 0, i = 0; upto < uboot_size; upto += todo, i++) {
>>>> +               todo = min(uboot_size - upto, (1 << 15));
>>>> +               spi_rx_tx(regs, todo, (void *)(uboot_addr),
>>>> +                         (void *)(SPI_FLASH_UBOOT_POS), i);
>>>> +       }
>>>> +
>>>> +       setbits_le32(&regs->cs_reg, SPI_SLAVE_SIG_INACT);/* make the CS 
>>>> high */
>>>> +
>>>> +       /*
>>>> +        * Let put controller mode to BYTE as
>>>> +        * SPI driver does not support WORD mode yet
>>>> +        */
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->mode_cfg, SPI_MODE_CH_WIDTH_WORD |
>>>> +                                       SPI_MODE_BUS_WIDTH_WORD);
>>>> +       writel(0, &regs->swap_cfg);
>>>> +
>>>> +       /*
>>>> +        * Flush spi tx, rx fifos and reset the SPI controller
>>>> +        * and clear rx/tx channel
>>>> +        */
>>>> +       clrsetbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_HS_EN, SPI_CH_RST);
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_CH_RST);
>>>> +       clrbits_le32(&regs->ch_cfg, SPI_TX_CH_ON | SPI_RX_CH_ON);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  /*
>>>>  * Copy U-boot from mmc to RAM:
>>>>  * COPY_BL2_FNPTR_ADDR: Address in iRAM, which Contains
>>>> @@ -70,6 +186,7 @@ void copy_uboot_to_ram(void)
>>>>         u32 (*copy_bl2)(u32 offset, u32 nblock, u32 dst) = NULL;
>>>>         u32 offset = 0, size = 0;
>>>> +       struct spl_machine_param *param = spl_get_machine_params();
>>>>         u32 (*copy_bl2_from_emmc)(u32 nblock, u32 dst);
>>>>         void (*end_bootop_from_emmc)(void);
>>>> @@ -91,9 +208,8 @@ void copy_uboot_to_ram(void)
>>>>         switch (bootmode) {
>>>>         case BOOT_MODE_SERIAL:
>>>> -               offset = SPI_FLASH_UBOOT_POS;
>>>> -               size = CONFIG_BL2_SIZE;
>>>> -               copy_bl2 = get_irom_func(SPI_INDEX);
>>>> +               /* Customised function to copy u-boot from SF */
>>>> +               exynos_spi_copy(param->uboot_size, CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE);
>>>>                 break;
>>>>  #endif
>>>>         case BOOT_MODE_MMC:
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/spi.h 
>>>> b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/spi.h
>>>> index 147c1a7..0ba931b 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/spi.h
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/spi.h
>>>> @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ struct exynos_spi {
>>>>  #define EXYNOS_SPI_MAX_FREQ    50000000
>>>>  #define SPI_TIMEOUT_MS         10
>>>> +#define SF_READ_DATA_CMD       0x3
>>>>  /* SPI_CHCFG */
>>>>  #define SPI_CH_HS_EN           (1 << 6)
>>>> diff --git a/include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h 
>>>> b/include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h
>>>> index 8c21909..1d32396 100644
>>>> --- a/include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h
>>>> +++ b/include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h
>>>> @@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
>>>>  #define COPY_BL2_FNPTR_ADDR    0x02020030
>>>>  /* specific .lds file */
>>>>  #define CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT    "board/samsung/common/exynos-uboot-spl.lds"
>>>> @@ -292,6 +293,7 @@
>>>>  /* SPI */
>>>>  #define CONFIG_SPI_FLASH
>>>> +#define CONFIG_ENV_SPI_BASE    0x12D30000
>>>>  #ifdef CONFIG_SPI_FLASH
>>>>  #define CONFIG_EXYNOS_SPI
>>>> --
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>>>> U-Boot@lists.denx.de
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>> Thanks,
>> Minkyu Kang.

applied to u-boot-samsung.

Minkyu Kang.
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