This file declares many address spaces for ar7240 System On Chip

Signed-off-by: Nikolaos Pasaloukos <>
Cc: Daniel Schwierzeck <>
 arch/mips/include/asm/ar7240_addrspace.h | 387 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 387 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 arch/mips/include/asm/ar7240_addrspace.h

diff --git a/arch/mips/include/asm/ar7240_addrspace.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4da8f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/ar7240_addrspace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * Atheror AR7240 series processor SOC registers
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Atheros Communications, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Imagination Technologies
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0
+ */
+#ifndef _AR7240_SOC_H
+#define _AR7240_SOC_H
+ * Address map
+ */
+#define AR7240_PCI_MEM_BASE                    0x10000000  /* 128M */
+#define AR7240_APB_BASE                                0x18000000  /* 384M */
+#define AR7240_GE0_BASE                                0x19000000  /* 16M */
+#define AR7240_GE1_BASE                                0x1a000000  /* 16M */
+#define AR7240_USB_EHCI_BASE                   0x1b000000
+#define AR7240_USB_OHCI_BASE                   0x1c000000
+#define AR7240_SPI_BASE                                0x1f000000
+#define ATH_NAND_FLASH_BASE                    0x1b000000u
+ * APB block
+ */
+#define AR7240_DDR_CTL_BASE                    AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00000000
+#define AR7240_CPU_BASE                                
+#define AR7240_UART_BASE                       AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00020000
+#define AR7240_USB_CONFIG_BASE                 AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00030000
+#define AR7240_GPIO_BASE                       AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00040000
+#define AR7240_PLL_BASE                                
+#define AR7240_RESET_BASE                      AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00060000
+#define AR7240_ETH_BASE                                
+#define AR7240_PCI_BASE                                
+#define AR7240_PCI_RC_BASE                     AR7240_APB_BASE+0x000f0000
+#define AR7240_BASEBAND_SRIF_REGS              AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00116180
+#define AR7240_CPU_SRIF_REGS                   AR7240_APB_BASE+0x001161c0
+#define AR7240_DDR_SRIF_REGS                   AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00116240
+#define AR7240_PCIE_SRIF_REGS                  AR7240_APB_BASE+0x00116c00
+#if !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
+ * DDR block
+ */
+struct ar_ddr {
+       u32 config;
+       u32 config2;
+       u32 mode;
+       u32 ext_mode;
+       u32 ctrl;
+       u32 refresh;
+       u32 rd_data_this_cycle;
+       u32 tap_ctrl0;
+       u32 tap_ctrl1;
+       u32 tap_ctrl2;
+       u32 tap_ctrl3;
+struct ar_ddr2 {
+       u32 config;
+       u32 ext_mode2;
+       u32 ext_mode3;
+       u32 burst;
+       u32 burst2;
+       u32 ahb_master_timeout_max;
+struct ar_ddr_ctl {
+       u32 config;
+       u32 self_refresh;
+       u32 self_refresh_timer;
+       u32 debug_read_ctrl;
+ * PCIE FIFO flushes
+ */
+struct ar_flush {
+       u32 ddr_wb_gmac0;
+       u32 ddr_wb_gmac1;
+       u32 ddr_wb_usb;
+       u32 ddr_wb_pcie;
+       u32 ddr_wb_wmac;
+ * USB block
+ */
+#define AR7240_USB_FLADJ_VAL                   AR7240_USB_CONFIG_BASE
+#define AR7240_USB_CONFIG                      AR7240_USB_CONFIG_BASE+0x4
+#define AR7240_USB_WINDOW                      0x1000000
+ * gpio configs
+ */
+struct ar_gpio {
+       u32 oe;
+       u32 in;
+       u32 out;
+       u32 set;
+       u32 clear;
+       u32 int_en;
+       u32 int_type;
+       u32 int_polarity;
+       u32 int_pending;
+       u32 int_mask;
+#define AR7240_GPIO_COUNT                      16
+ * PLL
+ */
+struct ar_pll {
+       u32 cpu_config;
+       u32 ddr_config;
+       u32 cpu_ddr_clk_ctrl;
+       u32 cpu_sync;
+       u32 pcie_config;
+       u32 pcie_dither_div_max;
+       u32 pcie_dither_div_min;
+       u32 pcie_dither_step;
+       u32 ldo_power_ctrl;
+       u32 switch_clk_spare;
+       u32 current_pcie_dither;
+       u32 eth_xmii_config;
+       u32 audio_config;
+       u32 audio_modulation;
+       u32 audio_mod_step;
+       u32 current_audio_modulation;
+       u32 bb_config;
+       u32 ddr_dither;
+       u32 cpu_dither;
+#define PLL_CONFIG_PLL_DIV_MASK                        (0x3ff << 0)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_PLL_REF_DIV_MASK            (0xf << 10)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_PLL_BYPASS_MASK             (0x1 << 16)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_PLL_UPDATE_MASK             (0x1 << 17)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_PLL_NOPWD_MASK              (0x1 << 18)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_AHB_DIV_MASK                        (0x1 << 19)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_DDR_DIV_MASK                        (0x1 << 22)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_PLL_RESET_MASK              (0x1 << 25)
+#define CLOCK_CONTROL_CLOCK_SWITCH_MASK                (1 << 0)
+#define CLOCK_CONTROL_RST_SWITCH_MASK          (1 << 1)
+ * Reset block
+ */
+struct ar_reset1 {
+       u32 general_tmr1;
+       u32 general_tmr1_reload;
+       u32 watchdog_tmr_ctrl;
+       u32 watchdog_tmr;
+       u32 misc_interrupt_status;
+       u32 misc_interrupt_mask;
+       u32 global_interrupt_status;
+       u32 reset;
+struct ar_reset2 {
+       u32 rev_id;
+       u32 general_tmr2;
+       u32 general_tmr2_reload;
+       u32 general_tmr3;
+       u32 general_tmr3_reload;
+       u32 general_tmr4;
+       u32 general_tmr4_reload;
+       u32 pcie_wmac_interrupt_status;
+       u32 bootstrap;
+       u32 spare_sticky;
+       u32 misc2;
+ * RESET bit defines
+ */
+#define AR7240_RESET_EXTERNAL                  (1 << 28)
+#define AR7240_RESET_WMAC                      (1 << 27)
+#define AR7240_RESET_FULL_CHIP                 (1 << 24)
+#define AR7240_RESET_CPU_NMI                   (1 << 21)
+#define AR7240_RESET_CPU_COLD_RESET_MASK       (1 << 20)
+#define AR7240_RESET_DDR                       (1 << 16)
+#define AR7240_RESET_GE1_MAC                   (1 << 13)
+#define AR7240_RESET_GE1_MDIO                  (1 << 23)
+#define AR7240_RESET_GE1_PHY                   (1 << 12) /* Not valid */
+#define AR7240_RESET_PCIE_PHY_SERIAL           (1 << 10)
+#define AR7240_RESET_GE0_MAC                   (1 << 9)
+#define AR7240_RESET_GE0_MDIO                  (1 << 22)
+#define AR7240_RESET_GE0_PHY                   (1 << 8) /* Switch reset */
+#define AR7240_RESET_PCIE_PHY                  (1 << 7)
+#define AR7240_RESET_PCIE                      (1 << 6)
+#define AR7240_RESET_USB_HOST                  (1 << 5)
+#define AR7240_RESET_USB_OHCI_DLL              (1 << 3)
+ * Ethernet config registers
+ */
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG                         AR7240_ETH_BASE+0
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_RGMII_GE0               (1<<0)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_MII_GE0                 (1<<1)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_GMII_GE0                        (1<<2)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_RMII_GE0                        (1<<10)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_RMII_HISPD_GE0          (1<<11)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_RMII_MASTER_MODE                (1<<12)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_MII_GE0_MASTER          (1<<3)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_MII_GE0_SLAVE           (1<<4)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_GE0_ERR_EN              (1<<5)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_SW_ONLY_MODE            (1<<6)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_SW_PHY_SWAP             (1<<7)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_SW_PHY_ADDR_SWAP                (1<<8)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_RXD_DELAY               (1 << 14)
+#define AR7240_ETH_CFG_RDV_DELAY               (1 << 16)
+#define AR7240_PCI_RESET                       AR7240_PCI_RC_BASE+0x18
+ */
+struct ar_pci_rc_phy {
+       u32 dpll1;
+       u32 dpll2;
+       u32 dpll3;
+#define AR7240_PMU1                            AR7240_PCIE_SRIF_REGS+0x40
+#define AR7240_PMU2                            AR7240_PCIE_SRIF_REGS+0x44
+ *  SPI Flash
+ */
+struct ar_spi {
+       u32 function_select;
+       u32 control;
+       u32 io_control;
+       u32 read_data;
+       u32 shift_dataout;
+       u32 shift_count;
+       u32 shift_datain;
+#define AR7240_SPI_CTRL_RELOCATE               (1 << 7)
+#define AR7240_SPI_CTRL_REMAP_DISABLE          (1 << 6)
+#define AR7240_SPI_CTRL_CLK_DIV(x)             ((x) & 0x3f)
+extern const struct ar_ddr *ar7240_ddr;
+extern const struct ar_ddr2 *ar7240_ddr2;
+extern const struct ar_ddr_ctl *ar7240_ddr_ctl;
+extern const struct ar_flush *ar7240_flush;
+extern const struct ar_gpio *ar7240_gpio;
+extern const struct ar_pll *ar7240_pll;
+extern const struct ar_reset1 *ar7240_rst1;
+extern const struct ar_reset2 *ar7240_rst2;
+extern const struct ar_pci_rc_phy *ar7240_pci_rc;
+extern const struct ar_spi *ar7240_spi;
+#else /* defined __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#define ATH_DDR_COUNT_LOC                      0xbd000000
+#define ATH_CPU_COUNT_LOC                      0xbd000004
+#define AR934X_CPU_PLL_CONFIG                  AR7240_PLL_BASE+0x0000
+#define AR934X_DDR_PLL_CONFIG                  AR7240_PLL_BASE+0x0004
+#define AR934X_CPU_DDR_CLOCK_CONTROL           AR7240_PLL_BASE+0x0008
+#define AR934X_DDR_PLL_DITHER                  AR7240_PLL_BASE+0x0044
+#define AR934X_CPU_PLL_DITHER                  AR7240_PLL_BASE+0x0048
+#define WASP_BOOTSTRAP_REG                     AR7240_RESET_BASE+0xb0
+#define CPU_DPLL1_ADDRESS                      AR7240_CPU_SRIF_REGS
+#define CPU_DPLL2_ADDRESS                      AR7240_CPU_SRIF_REGS+0x4
+#define CPU_DPLL3_ADDRESS                      AR7240_CPU_SRIF_REGS+0x8
+#define DDR_DPLL1_ADDRESS                      AR7240_DDR_SRIF_REGS
+#define DDR_DPLL2_ADDRESS                      AR7240_DDR_SRIF_REGS+0x4
+#define DDR_DPLL3_ADDRESS                      AR7240_DDR_SRIF_REGS+0x8
+#define DDR_DPLL4_ADDRESS                      AR7240_DDR_SRIF_REGS+0xc
+#define BASEBAND_DPLL3_ADDRESS                 AR7240_BASEBAND_SRIF_REGS+0x8
+#endif /* END __ASSEMBLY__ */
+ * PLL config for different CPU/DDR/AHB frequencies
+ */
+#define UBOOT_SIZE                     (256 * 1024)
+#define PLL_CONFIG_VAL_F               \
+#define PLL_MAGIC                      0xaabbccdd
+#define SRIF_PLL_CONFIG_VAL_F          (PLL_CONFIG_VAL_F - 12)
+#define SRIF_PLL_MAGIC                 0x73726966 /* srif */
+#define XTAL_ADDRESS                   0x18116290
+ * REV_IDs similar to AR7240
+ */
+#define AR7240_REV_ID_MASK             0xffff
+#define AR9344_REV_ID_MASK             0xfff0  /* Ignore minor id */
+#define AR7240_REV_ID_AR7130           0xa0
+#define AR7240_REV_ID_AR7141           0xa1
+#define AR7240_REV_ID_AR7161           0xa2
+#define AR7240_REV_1_0                 0xc0
+#define AR7240_REV_1_1                 0xc1
+#define AR7240_REV_1_2                 0xc2
+#define AR7241_REV_1_0                 0x0100
+#define AR7242_REV_1_0                 0x1100
+#define AR7241_REV_1_1                 0x0101
+#define AR7242_REV_1_1                 0x1101
+#define AR9330_REV_1_0                 0x0110  /* 5-port:0x110,4-port 0x1110 */
+#define AR9331_REV_1_0                 0x1110
+#define AR9330_REV_1_1                 0x0111  /* 5-port:0x111,4-port 0x1111 */
+#define AR9331_REV_1_1                 0x1111
+#define AR9330_REV_1_2                 0x0112
+#define AR9331_REV_1_2                 0x1112
+#define AR9344_REV_1_x                 0x2120  /* Wasp 1.x, ignore minor id */
+#define AR9342_REV_1_x                 0x1120
+#define AR9341_REV_1_x                 0x0120
+#define AR9344_REV_1_0                 0x2120  /* Wasp 1.0 */
+#define AR9342_REV_1_0                 0x1120
+#define AR9341_REV_1_0                 0x0120
+#define AR9344_REV_1_1                 0x2121  /* Wasp 1.1 */
+#define AR9342_REV_1_1                 0x1121
+#define AR9341_REV_1_1                 0x0121
+#define is_ar7240(rst2)                \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7240_REV_1_2) || \
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7240_REV_1_1) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7240_REV_1_0))
+#define is_ar7241(rst2)                \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7241_REV_1_0) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7241_REV_1_1))
+#define is_ar7242(rst2)                \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7242_REV_1_0) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR7242_REV_1_1))
+#define is_ar9330(rst2)                \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9330_REV_1_0) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9330_REV_1_1) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9330_REV_1_2))
+#define is_ar9331(rst2)                \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9331_REV_1_0) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9331_REV_1_1) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9331_REV_1_2))
+#define is_ar933x_10(rst2)             \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9330_REV_1_0) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9331_REV_1_0))
+#define is_ar933x_11(rst2)             \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9330_REV_1_1) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9331_REV_1_1))
+#define is_ar933x_12(rst2)             \
+       (((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9330_REV_1_2) ||\
+        ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR7240_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9331_REV_1_2))
+#define is_ar9344(rst2)                \
+       ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR9344_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9344_REV_1_x)
+#define is_ar9342(rst2)                \
+       ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR9344_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9342_REV_1_x)
+#define is_ar9341(rst2)                \
+       ((ar_reg_rd(rst2->rev_id) & AR9344_REV_ID_MASK) == AR9341_REV_1_x)
+#define is_ar933x(rst2)                (is_ar9330(rst2) || is_ar9331(rst2))
+#define is_ar934x(rst2)                (is_ar9341(rst2) || is_ar9342(rst2) || \
+                                is_ar9344(rst2))
+#define ar_reg_rd(_addr)               readl(KSEG1ADDR((_addr)))
+#define ar_reg_wr(_addr, _val)         writel((_val), KSEG1ADDR((_addr)))
+#define ar_reg_rd_set(_reg, _mask)     \
+       ar_reg_wr((_reg), (ar_reg_rd((_reg)) | (_mask)))
+#define ar_reg_rd_clr(_reg, _mask)     \
+       ar_reg_wr((_reg), (ar_reg_rd((_reg)) & ~(_mask)))

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