I'm trying in board iMX233-OLinuXino-MICRO (
) setup hardware watchdog in the uboot.

I checkout uboot code and recompile it(I found steps here :

I tried to call a function hw_watchdog_init from class: imx_watchdog.c (
) in the code  .

In this method, I uncomment line # define CONFIG_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_MSECS
128000 and I expected that the system will be restarted after, 128 seconds, but
did not.
I am sure that this method(hw_watchdog_init) is called because before and
after i write debug messages to console

I tested like this:

1. recompile code with calling method hw_watchdog_init
3. upload this file to my SD card with dd command
3. start linux
4. waiting for 128 seconds and I was expecting that the system will
berestart but
did not.

What to do?

WDOG1_BASE_ADDR -> what is the value of this variable ?

Thank you

2013/11/21 Troy Kisky <troy.ki...@boundarydevices.com>

> On 11/20/2013 3:48 PM, Bojan Buić wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I found Your commit in u-boot repository(git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git <
>> http://git.denx.de/u-boot.git>).
>> Can You help me , how can enable hardware watchdog in U-Boot ?
>> I found imx_watchdog.c class but when I call hw_watcdog_init nothing
>> happened
>> Can You help me ?
>> Thank youBojan Buić
>>  What did you expect to happen? Tell me how you are testing it? Also,
> please CC the list.
> u-boot@lists.denx.de
> Troy

Bojan Buić
U-Boot mailing list

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