Dear Paul Burton,

> On 11/11/13 13:33, Marek Vasut wrote:
> > Dear Paul Burton,
> > 
> >> On 10/11/13 20:09, Marek Vasut wrote:
> >>> Dear Paul Burton,
> >>> 
> >>>> Without setting up the PIRQ[A:D] interrupt routes, PCI interrupts will
> >>>> be left disabled. Linux does not set up this routing but relies upon
> >>>> it having been set up by the bootloader, reading back the IRQ lines
> >>>> which the PIRQ[A:D] signals have been routed to.
> >>> 
> >>> Did you also submit a fix to Linux guys?
> >>> 
> >>> Best regards,
> >>> Marek Vasut
> >> 
> >> No, I haven't. Although Linux is reliant upon these values having been
> >> programmed it's quite clear from reading its code that that depence is
> >> intentional. It explicitely reads the route setup by the bootloader
> >> rather than clobbering it, and to me that does make sense in this case.
> > 
> > Can this setup not be passed via a well-designed DT binding then?
> I'm sure the information could be passed via DT but the Malta board
> currently doesn't use DT at all either in Linux or U-boot, and I don't
> have the time right now to convert them both to DT.

That's unfortunate, but OK.

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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