
I am trying to use u-boot on a Xilinx V4FX12 FPGA, in which a ppc405 system is 
running. The board includes an ST SPI Flash, which I have to use as the only 
non-volatile memory available (in case important, its Atmark Techno suzaku_v 
I have been able to add the board configuration in u-boot and build an image. 
But, as ppc405 in xilinx fpga can't but from spi flash, I have to use a first 
stage bootloader to load u-boot. This seems to be normal in xilinx FPGAs as 
u-boot in petalinux is loaded to. I thaught, if that's the case, I should be 
able to load u-boot directly to DDR and test it. But when I do so, u-boot hangs 
after it reaches relocate_code. I should be missing sth, but don't find it. 
Could anybody help me?

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