Hi Marco,

Marco Antônio Possamai wrote:
> Thank you for your quick reply!
> Sorry for the missing information. The .dts I'm using is the 
> lite5200b.dts that comes along with the linux-2.6-denx kernel (got it at 
> git://git.denx.de/linux-2.6-denx.git). What other .dts should I try? I'm 
> using the mpc5200b board so it seems fitting that I'm working with 
> lite5200b.dts.
> There's a lite5200.dts source tree that also comes along with the 
> kernel. I've tried with it and got the same results.

1) Please don't top post.

2) Please CC: the u-boot list.  By replying directly to me, you excluded 
all the people with real knowledge.

The .dts has to match to board: it is the description of the hardware. 
If I understand your message, your board *is* the standard mpc5200b 
board (note that I have no idea what a mpc5200b board is, see point #2), 
in which case the standard .dts should work.

What debug capability do you have?  Can you dump the linux log buffer 
(from memory) after a failed boot?

I'm out of easy answers.

Good luck,

>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: "Jerry Van Baren"
>     To: "Marco Antônio Possamai"
>     Cc: "U-Boot"
>     Subject: Re: [U-Boot] Linux hangs when uncompressing kernel image:
>     linux-2.6.26
>     Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 23:37:45 -0400
>     Marco Antônio Possamai wrote:
>      > Hello
>      >
>      > I've been working on building a 2.6.26 linux kernel to the
>     mpc5200Lite
>      > PowerPc board. However, I am unable to boot the system using the
>      > generated image.
>      >
>      > I am using what seems to be the latest U-Boot for the job. Got it
>     from
>      > www.denx.de/git/u-boot.git.
>     Good. :-)
>      > I'm using the device tree compiler dtc-v1.2.0 to compile the
>     device tree
>      > source into a device tree blob. Got it at:
>      > http://jdl.com/software/dtc-latest.tgz
>     Good, but *what* did you compile?
>     If this were /., I would insert an automobile analogy about you
>     telling us all about the wrenches you used, how they were the best
>     Binford-2000 lifetime guaranteed wrenches with more power, but
>     never told us what part you were adjusting with the wrenches.
>      > For the device, my design procedure is the following:
>      >
>      > 1. In the first step I generate the uImage file ('make ARCH=powerpc
>      > zImage'), the corresponding lite5200b.dts and compile it to
>      > lite5200b.dtb.
>      > 2. Afterwards, I do the U-Boot configs. I define 0x00600000 as
>     the device
>      > tree address and 0x00200000 as the uImage's.
>      > 3. Finally, I transfer them all (using tftp for each, of course)
>     and try
>      > to boot: 'bootm 0x00200000 - 0x00600000'
>      >
>      > The result is that the console hangs...
>     Is linux hung or is there no serial output? From the outside, the
>     two symptoms are indistinguishable. If linux is actually running,
>     it means your console/serial configuration in your dtb is not
>     right. Use your debugger to halt the processor and see what/where
>     it is executing. Dump the linux log buffer and see if there is
>     anything interesting in there that wanted to go out the serial
>     channel but couldn't.
>      > Does anyone have any idea of why it happens? I checked a similar
>     problem
>      > at the
>      >
>     http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/LinuxHangsAfterUncompressingKernel,
>     and
>      > I'm almost convinced that it is probably a bd_info problem,
>     concerning
>      > the definitions of the kernel's IMAP_ADDR and the CFG_IMMR of
>     U-Boot to
>      > be unmatching.
>     The flattened device tree replaces the bd_info structure as the way
>     to communicate configuration info from u-boot to linux.
>      > If that is the case, how/where can I correct it? Which files should I
>      > look for?
>     What are you using for your device tree source (.dts)? Odds are
>     pretty good that is the problem. If that is OK, second best is if
>     your console simply isn't configured properly. If neither of those
>     are the case, you have some serious debugging ahead.
>      > Thanks for the attention.
>      >
>      > Marco Antônio Possamai
>      >
>      > Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
>     Good luck,
>     gvb
> Marco Antônio Possamai
> Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
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