On 09/03/2013 07:11 PM, Zhao Qiang wrote:
> Fix PHY addresses for QSGMII Riser Card working in
> SGMII mode on board P3041/P5020/P4080/P5040/B4860.
> QSGMII Riser Card can work in SGMII mode, but
> having the different PHY addresses.
> So the following steps should be done:
>       1. Confirm whether QSGMII Riser Card is used.
>       2. If yes, set the proper PHY address.
> Generally, the function is_qsgmii_riser_card() is
> for step 1, and set_sgmii_phy() for step 2.
> However, there are still some special situations,
> take P5040 and B4860 as examples, the PHY addresses
> need to be changed when serdes protocol is changed,
> so it is necessary to confirm the protocol before
> setting PHY addresses.
> Signed-off-by: Zhao Qiang <b45...@freescale.com>
> ---

Applied to u-boot-mpc85xx/next, pending merging to u-boot-mpc85xx/master


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