Hi  MJ,

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:41 AM, MJ embd <mj.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon/All,
> Any comments
> On 9/17/13, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You could try to cc whoever wrote the code. You can use git blame to find
>> out.
>> But it sounds like you are on the right track. I may be able to help, will
>> email tomorrow if so.
>> Regards,
>> Simon
>>  On Sep 16, 2013 8:26 PM, "MJ embd" <mj.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Reminder, Please can anyone respond
>>> On 9/16/13, MJ embd <mj.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > I was trying to understand the booting (till linux) on samsung exynos
>>> > 5250. As this is my first on ARM Cortex. I have a few questions, so
>>> > following is a step by step understanding and [Q] mentions the
>>> > question I am asking
>>> >
>>> > [1] At POR (Power on Reset) the Internal Boot rom code executes, and
>>> > checks the boot location and if it finds sd card, it copies 14k from
>>> > the sd card (which is u-boot-spl.bin) into iRAM.
>>> > [2] the internal boot rom branches pc to the entry point of spl at
>>> > __start (0x2023400)
>>> > [3] First instruction at __start is b reset.
>>> > [4] this takes the route reset | cpu_init_crit | low_level_init |
>>> first_cpu
>>> >
>>> > [Q 1] At this point what is the state of secondary core, is it held in
>>> reset
>>> > ?
>>> > As per  document, ""

I think the secondary core is powered down or in reset.

>>> > "the secondary CPUs (CPU1, CPU2, and CPU3) execute a WFI instruction,
>>> > which is actually a loop that checks the value of SYS_FLAGS register."

Which document are you referring to here?

>>> >
>>> > I couldnt find the SYS_FLAGS register in Cortex A15 manual, can some
>>> > one
>>> > point.

This is probably a flag in the IRAM, rather than an A15 register.

>>> >
>>> > [Q 2] The secondary core until the point the boot core calls
>>> > smp_kick_secondary is just waiting in WFI.

I don't see smp_kick_secondary() in U-Boot. Where is that?

>>> > [5] the smp_kick_secondary does the following
>>> >  (a) at the address SYSFLAGS_ADDR (0x2020000) which is not in spl but
>>> > above it, it write the b reset instruction and
>>> > (b) Issues a SGI to the secondary core
>>> >
>>> > [Q 3] Does this mean that secondary core is listening at address
>>> > 0x2020000, I couldnt find that in any document?

That's your answer on SYS_FLAGS I guess.

That is the start of IRAM so it is quite likely that the secondary
core is sitting in a loop waiting for the value to change.

>>> >
>>> > [6] Supposedly it does and it starts executing the reset function,
>>> > secondary core would end up in enter_smp_pen.
>>> > [Q 4] I dont understand what  is trying to achieve here, Can some one
>>> > explain.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I am planning to pen down the complete boot sequence, all help
>>> appreciated.

I'm missing the code you are referring to perhaps, but I think the
idea is something like this:

1. Boot primary core
2. Primary code sets up a 'pen' for the secondary cores in IRAM,
starts them up to run in that pen
3. Secondary cores watch a value in IRAM which tells them when to
leave their pen and where to jump to

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