Larry Johnson wrote:
> Kumar Gala wrote:
>> I was wondering if there was any reason we avoid C99 features in u- 
>> boot source.
> Maybe the best reason is that the Linux kernel avoids them, 

Linux has a lot more inertia than a smaller project such as u-boot.

> and staying consistent with the Linux coding style saves a lot of time and
> headaches.  IMO, this is worth the occasional clumsiness that results.

Code seems to flow from Linux to u-boot more than the reverse -- I don't 
see much of a problem with being more permissive.

> BTW, the Linux kernel does not avoid all C99 features.  For example, it
> relies heavily on named initialization of structs.  However, AFAICT, it
> shuns those C99 feature that originated in C++.

I suspect that has more to do with people's feelings toward C++ than any 
  unbiased assessment of the merits of the features.

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