On 08/27/2013 02:23 AM, Masahiro Yamada wrote:
Hello Andre,

+/* the vector table for secure state */
+       .word 0 /* reset */
+       .word 0 /* undef */
+       adr pc, _secure_monitor
+       .word 0
+       .word 0
+       .word 0
+       .word 0
+       .word 0
+       .word 0 /* pad */

Could you explain why the last line is needed?

I guess I cannot explain because it's probably not needed ;-)
I copied this from somewhere else and accidentally this padding somehow sneaked in (from the actual addresses array, where the start vector was missing and thus the array ended at 7 * 4 bytes)

Do we need another version or is a follow-up patch sufficient?
I'd like to avoid another review round for the sake of the reviewers.

Thanks for spotting this,

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