Hi Robert,

On 20/08/13 23:46, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   playing on my beaglebone black and:
> U-Boot# mmc list
>  OMAP SD/MMC: 1     <-- ???
> U-Boot#
>   puzzled as to why the second line is indented, and discovered, first
> from cmd_mmc.c:
>         print_mmc_devices('\n');
> which reasonably defines a newline as a separator, but then there's
> this in drivers/mmc/mmc.c:
>         list_for_each(entry, &mmc_devices) {
>                 m = list_entry(entry, struct mmc, link);
>                 printf("%s: %d", m->name, m->block_dev.dev);
>                 if (entry->next != &mmc_devices)
>                         printf("%c ", separator);
>         }
> where that loop inserts the separator *and* a blank. is that
> deliberate? it just looks weird.
I have used to fix this as follows on some older U-Boot versions:

                if (entry->next != &mmc_devices) {
                        printf("%c", separator);
                        if (separator != '\n')
                                puts (" ");

But as this is just cosmetics, never bothered to submit a patch, nor
am fixing it anymore locally. If you are a style perfectionist, do
submit one... ;)

Best regards,

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