Dear Jim Lin,

> This flag is to make console aware that NET transfer is running or not.
> Signed-off-by: Jim Lin <>
> ---
> Changes in v2:
>  1. Change configuration name from CONFIG_CTRLC_POLL_MS to
> CONFIG_CTRLC_POLL_S. 2. New code will be executed only when
> CONFIG_CTRLC_POLL_S is defined in configuration header file.
>  3. Add description in README.console.
> Changes in v3:
>  1. Move changes to common/usb_kbd.c and doc/README.usb
>  2. Rename config setting to CONFIG_USBKB_TESTC_PERIOD.
>  3. Remove slow response on USB-keyboard input when TFTP boot is not
> running. Changes in v4:
>  1. Remove changes in doc/README.usb, common/usb_kbd.c and
>  2. Modify net/net.c
> Changes in v5:
>  1. Change variable name to ctrlc_t_start.
>  2. Use two calls of get_timer(0) to get time gap.
> Changes in v6:
>  1. In common/usb_kbd.c, check net_busy_flag to determine whether we poll
>     USB keyboard status.
>  2. In include/usb.h, add external variable declaration net_busy_flag
> Changes in v7:
> Changes in v8:
>  1. net/net.c, add __maybe_unused for variable net_busy_flag.
> Changes in v9:
>  None
>  net/net.c |   11 +++++++++++
>  1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Applied, thanks.

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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