2013/7/1 Vipin Kumar <vipin.ku...@st.com>:
> On 7/1/2013 11:02 AM, Axel Lin wrote:
>>> The questions raised here are valid and it forced me to re-read the
>>> datasheet. For your convenience, I must tell you that the device is
>>> actually
>>> pl061 from ARM, so the driver can also be named so.
>>> The datasheet is here
>>> http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0190b/I1002697.html
>>> Quoting from the datasheet
>>> "The GPIODATA register is the data register. In software control mode,
>>> values written in the GPIODATA register are transferred onto the GPOUT
>>> pins
>>> if the respective pins have been configured as outputs through the
>>> register.
>>> In order to write to GPIODATA, the corresponding bits in the mask,
>>> resulting
>>> from the address bus, PADDR[9:2], must be HIGH. Otherwise the bit values
>>> remain unchanged by the write.
>>> Similarly, the values read from this register are determined for each
>>> bit,
>>> by the mask bit derived from the address used to access the data
>>> register,
>>> PADDR[9:2]. Bits that are 1 in the address mask cause the corresponding
>>> bits
>>> in GPIODATA to be read, and bits that are 0 in the address mask cause the
>>> corresponding bits in GPIODATA to be read as 0, regardless of their
>>> value.
>>> A read from GPIODATA returns the last bit value written if the respective
>>> pins are configured as output, or it returns the value on the
>>> corresponding
>>> input GPIN bit when these are configured as inputs. All bits are cleared
>>> by
>>> a reset."
>>> After reading all this I am confused about numbering of the gpio's. I
>>> think
>>> the numbering should be from 1 to 8 for a device. And this would mean
>>> that
>>> we should write to *&regs->datareg[1<<  (gpio - 1)]* instead of the
>>> present
>>> code which is _&regs->datareg[1<<  (gpio + 2)]_
>> Hi Vipin,
> Hello Alex,
>> Thanks for the review and providing the datasheet information.
>> You mentioned that this is PL061.
>> So... I just checked the gpio-pl061 driver in linux kernel.
>> It's writing to _&regs->datareg[1<<  (gpio + 2)]. and seems no bug
>> report for this.
> Yes, I see it now. The difference is that we are using a writel and the
> datareg is a u32 array.

The merge window is going to close.
I'm wondering if this patch is ok or not (I think it's a bug fix).
I think the only issue is nobody has this hardware to test.
[Sorry to back to this topic so late... just too busy recently.]

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