On Monday 06 April 2009 05:38:59 Prafulla Wadaskar wrote:
> As a user ideally I expect u-boot.bin generated by u-boot make
> should go onto flash and board should work.

i disagree.  u-boot.bin should be the exact flat binary of converting from the 
u-boot ELF file using objdump.

> But if this doesn't work then how should we educate the uses and address
> their questions whereas he might have stumped flashing wrong u-boot.bin to
> his board...?

yes.  we havent had a problem in the Blackfin world with educating people.  if 
the bootrom is used, then they have to use u-boot.ldr.  if they're using an 
older Blackfin part and the one bootmode that supports direct execution (the 
part starts running at a hardcoded address), then and only then can they use 

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