On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 11:22:22AM -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

> The only way I could see having us write a file to disk with the
> environment working is if all boards implement standard variable to
> define the memory locations and that is compiled into the u-boot binary.
> some variables that would need to be compiled in 
> fdt_addr
> fdt_addr_r

Why two?

> kernel_addr_r
> ramdisk_addr_r
> pxefile_addr_r
> scr_addr_r
> uenv_addr_r
> this should allow for for people to use boot.scr uEnv.txt or
> pxe/extlinux 

This is what I think we need to work towards.  A board opting into this
standard must set CONFIG_CMD_A/B/C (or maybe we add a
CONFIG_SUPPORT_GENERIC_LINUX_DISTRO that does this in one of the
fallback files, whatever) and provide the following variables PLUS a,
and this needs some thinking I think, auto-boot tries to load said file
from ... ?

We cannot provide a built-in environment that works for every distro and
case, we want the distro to tell us things it knows, and we'll tell it
what it can't easily know.


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