Added new spi_flash_probe support, currently added N25Q*
flash part attributes support.

Updated the sector_size attributes as per the flash parts.
Looks fine for with this sector_size for computing the size
of flash.

Defined CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_LEGACY for old probing style
which is available on spi_flash_probe_legacy.c, this will
removed soon once all flashes are supported in new spi_flash_probe.

Signed-off-by: Jagannadha Sutradharudu Teki <>
Changes for v2:
        - Enable CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_STMICRO in spi_flash_params table
        - Updated few structure members

 drivers/mtd/spi/Makefile                 |   1 +
 drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe.c        | 230 ++++++++++++--------------
 drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe_legacy.c | 274 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 384 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe_legacy.c

diff --git a/drivers/mtd/spi/Makefile b/drivers/mtd/spi/Makefile
index 0304b12..452747a 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/spi/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/mtd/spi/Makefile
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ ifdef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_SPL_SPI_LOAD)   += spi_spl_load.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_LEGACY) += spi_flash_probe_legacy.o spi_flash_ops.o 
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_SPI_FLASH)      += spi_flash_probe.o spi_flash_ops.o spi_flash.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_ATMEL)        += atmel.o
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe.c 
index fedc81e..f2de72d 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe.c
@@ -18,6 +18,98 @@
+ * struct spi_flash_params - SPI/QSPI flash device params structure
+ *
+ * @name:              Device name ([MANUFLETTER][DEVTYPE][DENSITY][EXTRAINFO])
+ * @jedec:             Device jedec ID (0x[1byte_manuf_id][2byte_dev_id])
+ * @ext_jedec:         Device ext_jedec ID
+ * @sector_size:       Sector size of this device
+ * @nr_sectors:                No.of sectors on this device
+ */
+struct spi_flash_params {
+       const char *name;
+       u32 jedec;
+       u16 ext_jedec;
+       u32 sector_size;
+       u32 nr_sectors;
+static const struct spi_flash_params spi_flash_params_table[] = {
+#ifdef CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_STMICRO                /* STMICRO */
+       {"N25Q32",              0x20ba16, 0x0,     64 * 1024,     64},
+       {"N25Q32A",             0x20bb16, 0x0,     64 * 1024,     64},
+       {"N25Q64",              0x20ba17, 0x0,     64 * 1024,    128},
+       {"N25Q64A",             0x20bb17, 0x0,     64 * 1024,    128},
+       {"N25Q128",             0x20ba18, 0x0,     64 * 1024,    256},
+       {"N25Q128A",            0x20bb18, 0x0,     64 * 1024,    256},
+       {"N25Q256",             0x20ba19, 0x0,     64 * 1024,    512},
+       {"N25Q256A",            0x20bb19, 0x0,     64 * 1024,    512},
+       {"N25Q512",             0x20ba20, 0x0,     64 * 1024,   1024},
+       {"N25Q512A",            0x20bb20, 0x0,     64 * 1024,   1024},
+       {"N25Q1024",            0x20ba21, 0x0,     64 * 1024,   2048},
+       {"N25Q1024A",           0x20bb21, 0x0,     64 * 1024,   2048},
+       /*
+        * TODO:
+        * ATMEL
+        * EON
+        * GIGADEVICE
+        * MACRONIX
+        * RAMTRON
+        * SPANSION
+        * SST
+        * STMICRO (M25*)
+        * WINBOND
+        */
+struct spi_flash *spi_flash_validate_ids(struct spi_slave *spi, u8 *idcode)
+       const struct spi_flash_params *params;
+       struct spi_flash *flash;
+       int i;
+       u16 jedec = idcode[1] << 8 | idcode[2];
+       /* Get the flash id (jedec = manuf_id + dev_id) */
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(spi_flash_params_table); i++) {
+               params = &spi_flash_params_table[i];
+               if ((params->jedec >> 16) == idcode[0]) {
+                       if (((params->jedec << 16) >> 16) == jedec)
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(spi_flash_params_table)) {
+               printf("SF: Unsupported flash ID: manuf %02x, jedec %04x\n",
+                      idcode[0], jedec);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       flash = malloc(sizeof(*flash));
+       if (!flash) {
+               debug("SF: Failed to allocate spi_flash\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       memset(flash, '\0', sizeof(*flash));
+       flash->spi = spi;
+       flash->name = params->name;
+       flash->poll_cmd = CMD_READ_STATUS;
+       /* Assign spi_flash ops */
+       flash->write = spi_flash_cmd_write_multi;
+       flash->erase = spi_flash_cmd_erase;
+       flash->read = spi_flash_cmd_read_fast;
+       /* Compute the flash size */
+       flash->page_size = 256;
+       flash->sector_size = params->sector_size;
+       flash->size = flash->sector_size * params->nr_sectors;
+       return flash;
 int spi_flash_bank_config(struct spi_flash *flash, u8 idcode0)
@@ -84,89 +176,22 @@ int spi_flash_decode_fdt(const void *blob, struct 
spi_flash *flash)
 #endif /* CONFIG_OF_CONTROL */
- * The following table holds all device probe functions
- *
- * shift:  number of continuation bytes before the ID
- * idcode: the expected IDCODE or 0xff for non JEDEC devices
- * probe:  the function to call
- *
- * Non JEDEC devices should be ordered in the table such that
- * the probe functions with best detection algorithms come first.
- *
- * Several matching entries are permitted, they will be tried
- * in sequence until a probe function returns non NULL.
- *
- * IDCODE_CONT_LEN may be redefined if a device needs to declare a
- * larger "shift" value.  IDCODE_PART_LEN generally shouldn't be
- * changed.  This is the max number of bytes probe functions may
- * examine when looking up part-specific identification info.
- *
- * Probe functions will be given the idcode buffer starting at their
- * manu id byte (the "idcode" in the table below).  In other words,
- * all of the continuation bytes will be skipped (the "shift" below).
- */
-#define IDCODE_CONT_LEN 0
-#define IDCODE_PART_LEN 5
-static const struct {
-       const u8 shift;
-       const u8 idcode;
-       struct spi_flash *(*probe) (struct spi_slave *spi, u8 *idcode);
-} flashes[] = {
-       /* Keep it sorted by define name */
-       { 0, 0x1f, spi_flash_probe_atmel, },
-       { 0, 0x1c, spi_flash_probe_eon, },
-       { 0, 0xc8, spi_flash_probe_gigadevice, },
-       { 0, 0xc2, spi_flash_probe_macronix, },
-       { 0, 0x01, spi_flash_probe_spansion, },
-       { 0, 0xbf, spi_flash_probe_sst, },
-       { 0, 0x20, spi_flash_probe_stmicro, },
-       { 0, 0xef, spi_flash_probe_winbond, },
-       { 6, 0xc2, spi_fram_probe_ramtron, },
-# define IDCODE_CONT_LEN 6
-       /* Keep it sorted by best detection */
-       { 0, 0xff, spi_flash_probe_stmicro, },
-       { 0, 0xff, spi_fram_probe_ramtron, },
 struct spi_flash *spi_flash_probe(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs,
                unsigned int max_hz, unsigned int spi_mode)
        struct spi_slave *spi;
        struct spi_flash *flash = NULL;
-       int ret, i, shift;
-       u8 idcode[IDCODE_LEN], *idp;
+       u8 idcode[5], *idp;
+       int ret;
+       /* Setup spi_slave */
        spi = spi_setup_slave(bus, cs, max_hz, spi_mode);
        if (!spi) {
                printf("SF: Failed to set up slave\n");
                return NULL;
+       /* Claim spi bus */
        ret = spi_claim_bus(spi);
        if (ret) {
                debug("SF: Failed to claim SPI bus: %d\n", ret);
@@ -175,47 +200,36 @@ struct spi_flash *spi_flash_probe(unsigned int bus, 
unsigned int cs,
        /* Read the ID codes */
        ret = spi_flash_cmd(spi, CMD_READ_ID, idcode, sizeof(idcode));
-       if (ret)
+       if (ret) {
+               printf("SF: Failed to get idcodes\n");
                goto err_read_id;
+       }
 #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("SF: Got idcodes\n");
        print_buffer(0, idcode, 1, sizeof(idcode), 0);
-       /* count the number of continuation bytes */
-       for (shift = 0, idp = idcode;
-            shift < IDCODE_CONT_LEN && *idp == 0x7f;
-            ++shift, ++idp)
-               continue;
-       /* search the table for matches in shift and id */
-       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes); ++i)
-               if (flashes[i].shift == shift && flashes[i].idcode == *idp) {
-                       /* we have a match, call probe */
-                       flash = flashes[i].probe(spi, idp);
-                       if (flash)
-                               break;
-               }
-       if (!flash) {
-               printf("SF: Unsupported manufacturer %02x\n", *idp);
-               goto err_manufacturer_probe;
-       }
+       /* Validate ID's from flash dev table */
+       idp = idcode;
+       flash = spi_flash_validate_ids(spi, idp);
+       if (!flash)
+               goto err_read_id;
-       /* Configure the BAR - disover bank cmds and read current bank  */
+       /* Configure the BAR - discover bank cmds and read current bank  */
        ret = spi_flash_bank_config(flash, *idp);
        if (ret < 0)
-               goto err_manufacturer_probe;
+               goto err_read_id;
        if (spi_flash_decode_fdt(gd->fdt_blob, flash)) {
                debug("SF: FDT decode error\n");
-               goto err_manufacturer_probe;
+               goto err_read_id;
        printf("SF: Detected %s with page size ", flash->name);
        print_size(flash->sector_size, ", total ");
        print_size(flash->size, "");
@@ -229,11 +243,11 @@ struct spi_flash *spi_flash_probe(unsigned int bus, 
unsigned int cs,
+       /* Release spi bus */
        return flash;
@@ -241,32 +255,6 @@ err_claim_bus:
        return NULL;
-void *spi_flash_do_alloc(int offset, int size, struct spi_slave *spi,
-                        const char *name)
-       struct spi_flash *flash;
-       void *ptr;
-       ptr = malloc(size);
-       if (!ptr) {
-               debug("SF: Failed to allocate memory\n");
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       memset(ptr, '\0', size);
-       flash = (struct spi_flash *)(ptr + offset);
-       /* Set up some basic fields - caller will sort out sizes */
-       flash->spi = spi;
-       flash->name = name;
-       flash->poll_cmd = CMD_READ_STATUS;
-       flash->read = spi_flash_cmd_read_fast;
-       flash->write = spi_flash_cmd_write_multi;
-       flash->erase = spi_flash_cmd_erase;
-       return flash;
 void spi_flash_free(struct spi_flash *flash)
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe_legacy.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fedc81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/mtd/spi/spi_flash_probe_legacy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ * SPI flash probing
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Atmel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Reinhard Meyer, EMK Elektronik
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Jagannadha Sutradharudu Teki, Xilinx Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <fdtdec.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <spi.h>
+#include <spi_flash.h>
+#include "spi_flash_internal.h"
+int spi_flash_bank_config(struct spi_flash *flash, u8 idcode0)
+       u8 cmd;
+       u8 curr_bank = 0;
+       /* discover bank cmds */
+       switch (idcode0) {
+               flash->bank_read_cmd = CMD_BANKADDR_BRRD;
+               flash->bank_write_cmd = CMD_BANKADDR_BRWR;
+               break;
+               flash->bank_read_cmd = CMD_EXTNADDR_RDEAR;
+               flash->bank_write_cmd = CMD_EXTNADDR_WREAR;
+               break;
+       default:
+               printf("SF: Unsupported bank commands %02x\n", idcode0);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* read the bank reg - on which bank the flash is in currently */
+       cmd = flash->bank_read_cmd;
+       if (flash->size > SPI_FLASH_16MB_BOUN) {
+               if (spi_flash_read_common(flash, &cmd, 1, &curr_bank, 1)) {
+                       debug("SF: fail to read bank addr register\n");
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               flash->bank_curr = curr_bank;
+       } else {
+               flash->bank_curr = curr_bank;
+       }
+       return 0;
+int spi_flash_decode_fdt(const void *blob, struct spi_flash *flash)
+       fdt_addr_t addr;
+       fdt_size_t size;
+       int node;
+       /* If there is no node, do nothing */
+       node = fdtdec_next_compatible(blob, 0, COMPAT_GENERIC_SPI_FLASH);
+       if (node < 0)
+               return 0;
+       addr = fdtdec_get_addr_size(blob, node, "memory-map", &size);
+       if (addr == FDT_ADDR_T_NONE) {
+               debug("%s: Cannot decode address\n", __func__);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       if (flash->size != size) {
+               debug("%s: Memory map must cover entire device\n", __func__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       flash->memory_map = (void *)addr;
+       return 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_OF_CONTROL */
+ * The following table holds all device probe functions
+ *
+ * shift:  number of continuation bytes before the ID
+ * idcode: the expected IDCODE or 0xff for non JEDEC devices
+ * probe:  the function to call
+ *
+ * Non JEDEC devices should be ordered in the table such that
+ * the probe functions with best detection algorithms come first.
+ *
+ * Several matching entries are permitted, they will be tried
+ * in sequence until a probe function returns non NULL.
+ *
+ * IDCODE_CONT_LEN may be redefined if a device needs to declare a
+ * larger "shift" value.  IDCODE_PART_LEN generally shouldn't be
+ * changed.  This is the max number of bytes probe functions may
+ * examine when looking up part-specific identification info.
+ *
+ * Probe functions will be given the idcode buffer starting at their
+ * manu id byte (the "idcode" in the table below).  In other words,
+ * all of the continuation bytes will be skipped (the "shift" below).
+ */
+#define IDCODE_CONT_LEN 0
+#define IDCODE_PART_LEN 5
+static const struct {
+       const u8 shift;
+       const u8 idcode;
+       struct spi_flash *(*probe) (struct spi_slave *spi, u8 *idcode);
+} flashes[] = {
+       /* Keep it sorted by define name */
+       { 0, 0x1f, spi_flash_probe_atmel, },
+       { 0, 0x1c, spi_flash_probe_eon, },
+       { 0, 0xc8, spi_flash_probe_gigadevice, },
+       { 0, 0xc2, spi_flash_probe_macronix, },
+       { 0, 0x01, spi_flash_probe_spansion, },
+       { 0, 0xbf, spi_flash_probe_sst, },
+       { 0, 0x20, spi_flash_probe_stmicro, },
+       { 0, 0xef, spi_flash_probe_winbond, },
+       { 6, 0xc2, spi_fram_probe_ramtron, },
+# define IDCODE_CONT_LEN 6
+       /* Keep it sorted by best detection */
+       { 0, 0xff, spi_flash_probe_stmicro, },
+       { 0, 0xff, spi_fram_probe_ramtron, },
+struct spi_flash *spi_flash_probe(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs,
+               unsigned int max_hz, unsigned int spi_mode)
+       struct spi_slave *spi;
+       struct spi_flash *flash = NULL;
+       int ret, i, shift;
+       u8 idcode[IDCODE_LEN], *idp;
+       spi = spi_setup_slave(bus, cs, max_hz, spi_mode);
+       if (!spi) {
+               printf("SF: Failed to set up slave\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       ret = spi_claim_bus(spi);
+       if (ret) {
+               debug("SF: Failed to claim SPI bus: %d\n", ret);
+               goto err_claim_bus;
+       }
+       /* Read the ID codes */
+       ret = spi_flash_cmd(spi, CMD_READ_ID, idcode, sizeof(idcode));
+       if (ret)
+               goto err_read_id;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       printf("SF: Got idcodes\n");
+       print_buffer(0, idcode, 1, sizeof(idcode), 0);
+       /* count the number of continuation bytes */
+       for (shift = 0, idp = idcode;
+            shift < IDCODE_CONT_LEN && *idp == 0x7f;
+            ++shift, ++idp)
+               continue;
+       /* search the table for matches in shift and id */
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes); ++i)
+               if (flashes[i].shift == shift && flashes[i].idcode == *idp) {
+                       /* we have a match, call probe */
+                       flash = flashes[i].probe(spi, idp);
+                       if (flash)
+                               break;
+               }
+       if (!flash) {
+               printf("SF: Unsupported manufacturer %02x\n", *idp);
+               goto err_manufacturer_probe;
+       }
+       /* Configure the BAR - disover bank cmds and read current bank  */
+       ret = spi_flash_bank_config(flash, *idp);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               goto err_manufacturer_probe;
+       if (spi_flash_decode_fdt(gd->fdt_blob, flash)) {
+               debug("SF: FDT decode error\n");
+               goto err_manufacturer_probe;
+       }
+       printf("SF: Detected %s with page size ", flash->name);
+       print_size(flash->sector_size, ", total ");
+       print_size(flash->size, "");
+       if (flash->memory_map)
+               printf(", mapped at %p", flash->memory_map);
+       puts("\n");
+       if (flash->size > SPI_FLASH_16MB_BOUN) {
+               puts("SF: Warning - Only lower 16MiB accessible,");
+               puts(" Full access #define CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_BAR\n");
+       }
+       spi_release_bus(spi);
+       return flash;
+       spi_release_bus(spi);
+       spi_free_slave(spi);
+       return NULL;
+void *spi_flash_do_alloc(int offset, int size, struct spi_slave *spi,
+                        const char *name)
+       struct spi_flash *flash;
+       void *ptr;
+       ptr = malloc(size);
+       if (!ptr) {
+               debug("SF: Failed to allocate memory\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       memset(ptr, '\0', size);
+       flash = (struct spi_flash *)(ptr + offset);
+       /* Set up some basic fields - caller will sort out sizes */
+       flash->spi = spi;
+       flash->name = name;
+       flash->poll_cmd = CMD_READ_STATUS;
+       flash->read = spi_flash_cmd_read_fast;
+       flash->write = spi_flash_cmd_write_multi;
+       flash->erase = spi_flash_cmd_erase;
+       return flash;
+void spi_flash_free(struct spi_flash *flash)
+       spi_free_slave(flash->spi);
+       free(flash);

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