2013/7/23 Enric Balletbo Serra <eballe...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Tom,
> Thanks for the answer.
> 2013/7/18 Tom Rini <tr...@ti.com>:
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:00:16AM +0200, Enric Balletbo Serra wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>   o 2nd proposal:
>>>     4 partitions:
>>>         SPL
>>>         U-Boot
>>>         U-Boot Environment
>>>         Filesystem (ubifs): zImage + kernel modules + dtbs files + 
>>> filesystem
>> A slight change here would be 3 "partitions"
>> 1) "SPL" (that covers the redundant locations as well)
>> 2) U-Boot
>> 3) UBI container of: env, redundant env and either filesystem with
>> kernel+dtbs, or kernel and dtbs in their own volumes, I'm not sure which
>> is better there honestly.
>> But I did want to highlight that we support U-Boot env in the UBI
>> container.
> This looks interesting, can you provide more information about that ?
> Should I remove CONFIG_ENV_ADDR variable ? Could you provide an example ?

Ooops forget it ! I found the documentation about that in README. Thanks

> Thanks in advance.
>     Enric
>> --
>> Tom
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