Hi Tom, Marek,

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Tom Rini <tr...@ti.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've tagged and pushed v2013.07-rc2.  A bit more over the place than I
> should have gone, but picked up a lot of things that have been
> outstanding for a while.  The big thing is a refactor of the boot loop.
> Everything should be working right now, but please test.  Related to
> this is the ability to have crytpographically signed images.  It's like
> secure boot in UEFI land, but hopefully without the kerfuffle.
> If you've got changes outstanding still, please start gently poking
> custodians with patchwork links.  I've got a good bit of stuff I need to
> deal with myself still, but please prod me all the same.

What about Michael's patch


It is a bug fix actually (and happens to affect two of our boards ;) ).

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