Hi Andre


I'd like to suggest to separate HYP-switching code
from Non-secure switching.

And define different macros, for example:

CONFIG_ARMV7_NONSECURE : switch to nonsecure
CONFIG_ARMV7_VIRT      : switch to hypervisor

Of cource, CONFIG_ARMV7_NONSECURE must be defined
when using CONFIG_ARMV7_VIRT.

(If we introduced Kconfig to U-boot,
we could handle nicely dependency between CONFIGs.)

I know your incentive to switch to non-secure state
is virtualization.
But I think this separation would make this code
useful for other boards and easy to understand.

For example (this situtation might be specific
to my board), non-secure switching is done
for the reason to use a hardware debugger,
because our debugger without security extension
can work only in non-secure state.

Best Regards
Masahiro Yamada

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