On Apr 2, 2009, at 4:03 AM, Stefan Roese wrote:

> On Thursday 02 April 2009, Detlev Zundel wrote:
>>> I suggest to either remove this MSI_RI from the header again (it  
>>> doesn't
>>> seem to be used here) or rename it.
>> Ok, so much for the plan to add the defines not bit by bit as needed,
>> but register-wise, while we're there.
>> I actually would prefer to use UART_MSR_RI, as this is a UART thingy
>> rather than to remove the define as we surely use the register, so I
>> feel it worthwhile to have the whole definition on board.
> That's my preference as well.

Agreed, when I saw MSR_RI I wasn't thinking UART at all.

- k
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