
I am trying to compile my own U-Boot for microblaze.
U-Boot 2013.01-dirty (Jun 19 2013 - 16:26:51)
microblazeel-xilinx-linux-gnu-gcc (crosstool-NG 1.15.3) 4.6.4 20120924
GNU ld (crosstool-NG 1.15.3)

I have demo where Flash access works fine.
U-Boot 2012.10 (Feb 13 2013 - 20:16:43)
microblazeel-xilinx-linux-gnu-gcc (crosstool-NG 1.15.3) 4.6.2 20111018
GNU ld (crosstool-NG 1.15.3)

When I use my own u-boot and try to write to flash I always get

"Flash not erased"

it seems to be a problem that my flash is x16 but recognized as x8.

Are there any Config variables to set the mode to x16?

Below are some snippets to show the behavior

SHF-U-Boot> saveenv
Saving Environment to Flash...
Protect off 44B40000 ... 44B5FFFF
Un-Protecting sectors 90..90 in bank 1
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 60 60 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd d0 d0 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 70 70 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
. done
Un-Protected 1 sectors
EXPORT  table = bfc3b2cc, htab.size = 79, htab.filled = 13, size = 131068
Unsorted: n=13
          0: bff80070 ==> ipaddr     =>
          1: bff80084 ==> hostname   => U-BOOT_BSP
          2: bff800c0 ==> baudrate   => 115200
          3: bff80200 ==> bootdelay  => 4
          4: bff80228 ==> serverip   =>
          5: bff80264 ==> ethaddr    => 00:50:C2:2E:E1:0A
          6: bff802f0 ==> fileaddr   => BA000000
          7: bff80390 ==> bootfile   => k7mmp/u-boot-s.bin
          8: bff803e0 ==> ethact     => Xelite.40e00000
          9: bff804d0 ==> gatewayip  =>
         10: bff80584 ==> filesize   => 353D0
         11: bff80638 ==> mtdids     => nor0=physmap-flash-0
         12: bff8064c ==> mtdparts   =>
Erasing Flash...Erase Flash from 0x44b40000 to 0x44b5ffff in Bank # 1
flash_erase: erasing sectors 90 to 90

fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 20 20 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd d0 d0 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 1
flash_is_busy: 1
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
. done
Erased 1 sectors
Writing to Flash... flash_write_cfiword: 8-bit 0x92
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 40 40 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 1
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
flash_write_cfiword: 8-bit 0xe8
Flash not Erased
Protecting sectors 90..90 in bank 1
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 60 60 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 1 1 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd 70 70 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b40000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
. done
Protected 1 sectors
Command failed, result=1SHF-U-Boot>

Now I try th co command to get more info

SHF-U-Boot> md 0xba000000
ba000000: b8b40008 80000000 20a50100 e8c50000    ........... ....
ba000010: e8e50004 e9250008 20a5000c 00860000    ......%.... ....
ba000020: 20e70003 90e70041 90e70041 81400000    ... A...A.....@.
ba000030: bc070018 c9055000 d9065000 214a0004    .....P...P....J!
ba000040: b810fff0 20e7ffff 00844800 98082000    ....... .H... ..
ba000050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................

SHF-U-Boot> cp BA000000 44B00000 D4F5
Copy to Flash... flash_write_cfiword: 8-bit 0x08
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 40 40 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 1
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b00000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
flash_write_cfiword: 8-bit 0x00
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 40 40 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 1
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b00000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
flash_write_cfiword: 8-bit 0xb4
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 50 50 8bit x 8 bit
fwc addr 44000000 cmd 40 40 8bit x 8 bit
flash_is_busy: 1
flash_is_busy: 0
fwc addr 44b00000 cmd ff ff 8bit x 8 bit
flash_write_cfiword: 8-bit 0xb8
Flash not Erased
Command failed, result=1SHF-U-Boot> md 44B00000
44b00000: b4b40000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
44b00010: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
44b00020: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    .....Verion of working

U-Boot 2012.10 (Feb 13 2013 - 20:16:43)
microblazeel-xilinx-linux-gnu-gcc (crosstool-NG 1.15.3) 4.6.2 20111018
GNU ld (crosstool-NG 1.15.3)

Version of non working:
U-Boot 2013.01-dirty (Jun 19 2013 - 16:26:51)
microblazeel-xilinx-linux-gnu-gcc (crosstool-NG 1.15.3) 4.6.4 20120924
GNU ld (crosstool-NG 1.15.3)


As you can see the first byte (b4) seems to have been tranfered twice.

fli tells me that I have an 8 x 8 Flash but the working demo reports a
16 x 16 which is what I would expect.

Non working fli
SHF-U-Boot> fli

Bank # 1: CFI conformant flash (8 x 8)  Size: 64 MB in 515 Sectors
  Intel Extended command set, Manufacturer ID: 0x89, Device ID: 0x60
  Erase timeout: 4096 ms, write timeout: 2 ms
  Buffer write timeout: 5 ms, buffer size: 1024 bytes

  Sector Start Addresses:
  44000000   RO   44020000   RO   44040000   RO   44060000   RO
44080000   RO
  440A0000   RO   440C0000   RO   440E0000   RO   44100000   RO
44120000   RO
  44140000   RO   44160000   RO   44180000   RO   441A0000   RO
441C0000   RO

Working fli
Bank # 1: CFI conformant flash (16 x 16)  Size: 64 MB in 515 Sectors
  Intel Extended command set, Manufacturer ID: 0x89, Device ID: 0x8960
  Erase timeout: 4096 ms, write timeout: 2 ms
  Buffer write timeout: 5 ms, buffer size: 1024 bytes

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Jan-Hendrik Schunke
Entwickler / Developer
SHF Communication Technologies AG
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