Hi there,

I have a (to me) serious problem.
When U-Boot encounters a UbiFS system that needs cleaning, then it is not 
always capable of it despite the kernel (I understand it's the same code)  
having no problems cleaning the filesystem.
I think I have traced it to super.c where U-Boot only opens the filesystem 
Needless to say it's a catch 22 since my kernel resides within the UbiFS.

How can this issue be solved? Some posts suggest that upping the memory 
allocation should solve this, but my attempts to solve it this way have been 
short of successful.
Would it be a solution to have an option to access the UbiFS read-write?

Karsten Jeppesen, D.D.S;  Bsc. CS
Senior Software Engineer
Ext.: +45 72 17 56 69
Mobile phone: +45 25 66 00 23
Hedelund 4, Glyngoere, 7870 Roslev, Denmark
Tel.: +45 72 17 55 55 - Fax: +45 72 17 59 59


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